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Asus Maximus VI Gene problem

Level 7
Hi everybody!

I just recently bought a M6G As said in the title, whenever i try to install Windows it goes to bluescreen during the Windows animation, and some times it just shows code 55 ( ram error ) and wont even post, i'm not sure what to do by now.

I have 2 ram sticks and I've tried using them 1 at the time each in channel 1-4 and there they worked fine but whenever I ran them in dual channel they just sometime shows the code 55 again,mand whenever that won't show it just post as normal and starts to boot windows but when the animation comes it just goes to blue screen and restarts.

I don't have any other ram to try with, and I also tried enabling XMP ( extreme memory profile) in the bios and that doesn't help either.

I've even tried taking apart the pc and putting it back together 3 times without any luck.

And I've tried 3 different hard drives and they worked fine with my other pc but not with this one, it still goes to blue screen.

And last I've tried to update the bios, clear CMOS and mem ok button and that won't help either.

It occasionally shows the CPU led.

What can I do?
Please help me, -abgersaurus

System specs

CPU: i7 4770K
Motherboard: as us Maximus VI Gene
GPU: GTX 680 Direct CU II
RAM: Corsair vengeance 1600 mHz 2 x 4GB
PSU: Corsair AX1200i
SSD: Corsair GT 120 GB
CD drive: none
CPU cooler: Swiftech h220

Level 14
list your entire system setup. so ppl have more info on what you have connected to it.

I have posted the system specs in the main post 🙂

Level 40
I would suggest that you remount your cooler. I have often found that code 55 indicates that a cooler is either overtightened on one corner or was fitted in such a way as to cause the pins to shift slightly during the process, it is for that reason we follow the tightening pattern to prevent any movement or skew of the cooler.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Yes but what about the pc going in BSOD?

Level 40
I believe both are related. Let us sort the one and I am sure the other would be resolved too.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Ok HiVizMan, now I've taken apart my pc and put it back together and made sure to tighten the screws at the cooler carefully the cross-way, and now I don't have the problem with code 55 but it still shows BSOD during the windows animation 😞 any tips for that?

Level 40
Cool so one down.

In BIOS please confirm that your SATA mode of operation is set to ACHI or RAID if you installed your OS in that mode of operation.

F10 and enter and go through to OS.

If you still have the problem remove all but your OS drive and try again.

You might just have to re-install your OS.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
Well the problem is that I've tried installing the so serveral times without any luck and my bios is set to achi, any idea of what to do?

( I'm not mad by the way if you thought I'm mad at you 🙂 or what ever "Cool so one down" means.

Level 14
"cool so one down" = one problem solved, and on to next 🙂
there CAN be a problem when instaling windows, even how finish it seem.
it can be a driver of windows thats missing or there can be other drivers that can bugg it.
did you get in to windows the first time after instaling it?
like hiviz says, unplug all hdd's and ssd's that dont have the OS on it, and keep OS disk and cd-rom only plugged in.