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Flashing NEC/RENESAS USB 3.0 uPD720200A firmware

Level 9
Hello everyone,
I decided create this thread with hope someone can help me ...

So I have a Maximus IV Extreme Z and this Mobo has two usb 3.0 controllers (µPD720200A)
and I would like to update the firmware of both, but the firmware updater says: "Plural host controller detected"

This is what I tried:
1- Disabled USB3 controller from BIOS (it disables both),
2- Disabled one controller from Device Management in Windows 7 x64 and the PCI-TO-PCI bridge where it's attached. Nothing, same error...

After some research I discovered that someone placed here a solution and I also found another here

I tried to follow this guides but without success, I don't know messing with the command prompt,
the only thing I found so far was the firmware version and their addresses, with this commands:

C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom ?
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4

Here you can see my command prompt with all information:

My controllers are currently with firmware version
but I would like to update it for version

Anyway as you can see in the picture above my bus addresses are 0x08 and 0x09

Bus: 0x08 Device: 0x00 Function 0x00
Bus: 0x09 Device: 0x00 Function 0x00

So this translates to adresses 08-00-00 and 09-00-00

Than I type this commands for update:
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /address 08-00-00
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /address 09-00-00

However I get the following message error: Update SROM Image error (-41)

What I'm doing wrong?
Please help, if you can.
Thanks a lot.

Level 9
Never mind, I've managed to solve the problem!
My mistake was calling the update from other folder instead of adressing it directly from updater folder ...
Finally I did the firmware update!:)

Do you still have all required files to carry this out? I to wish to upgrade my firmware however station drivers no longer hosts any of the renesas/nec usb 3.0 drivers.

Yes I have all required files to carry this out mate:)

But please keep in mind I made this for my specific board Z68 (Maximus IV Extreme Z) which I got the error
"Plural host controllers", what I'm providing is a workaround for this, it's just a way to flash them individually
from command line ..

Not sure about your board, but mine has two uPD720200 controller chips, only both can be enabled or disabled,
so you cannot disable one to update the other, they are each controlled by a seperate controller.

OK, now a step by step on how to do this:

Inside of this zip file that I uploaded, you will have a folder called uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater,
extract the folder and place it in directory C:\ (and please do not change the folder name!)

Inside of this folder I have included a file called 4020103.mem, this is the latest firmware for the USB3.0 controllers,
you want to keep everything in the same folder so you don't have to path out each individual file, so you can just address it directly.

Now the basics instructions on how this works:
1- Open CMD with administrator privileges.

2- Than copy paste the command lines that i provide you below:

Current info:
2a) For Current firmware Information, type:
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4

2b) Than type this to get your current USB3.0 hardware addresses:
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom ?

Note: The adresses will be in the form of 0x-00-00,
take note of them as we will need that to flash them in the next step.

If Your addresses are 0x08 and 0x09, so you would type 08x00x00 and 09x00x00.

Bus:0x08 Device:0x00 Function:0x00
Bus:0x09 Device:0x00 Function:0x00
See how that translates to 08x00x00 and 09x00x00

3- Time to flash, so type:
1st chip> C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /
address 0X-00-00

2nd chip> C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /
address 0X-00-00

Note: Type this to flash your firmware but replacing 0x-00-00 with your hardware addresses you got in step 2b.

4- Restart computer.

5- To see current firmware Information, (now it should be FW Version: type:
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4

Note: If you want to backup the current firmware, before updating for the new one the commands are:
C: \ uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater \ W200FW35 / srom 0 / address 0X-00-00 / dump backup-08.mem
C: \ uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater \ W200FW35 / srom 0 / address 0X-00-00 / dump backup-08.mem

Again, remember to replacing 0x-00-00 and dump backup-0X.mem with your hardware addresses you got in step 2b.

Do all this steps calm and take a deep breath:)
and please don't blame me if something goes wrong!
This is the correct steps and it worked like a charm for me, let me know if this is unclear.

boyka wrote:
Yes I have all required files to carry this out mate:)

But please keep in mind I made this for my specific board Z68 (Maximus IV Extreme Z) which I got the error
"Plural host controllers", what I'm providing is a workaround for this, it's just a way to flash them individually
from command line ..

Not sure about your board, but mine has two uPD720200 controller chips, only both can be enabled or disabled,
so you cannot disable one to update the other, they are each controlled by a seperate controller.

OK, now a step by step on how to do this:

Inside of this zip file that I uploaded, you will have a folder called uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater,
extract the folder and place it in directory C:\ (and please do not change the folder name!)

Inside of this folder I have included a file called 4020103.mem, this is the latest firmware for the USB3.0 controllers,
you want to keep everything in the same folder so you don't have to path out each individual file, so you can just address it directly.

Now the basics instructions on how this works:
1- Open CMD with administrator privileges.

2- Than copy paste the command lines that i provide you below:

Current info:
2a) For Current firmware Information, type:
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4

2b) Than type this to get your current USB3.0 hardware addresses:
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom ?

Note: The adresses will be in the form of 0x-00-00,
take note of them as we will need that to flash them in the next step.

If Your addresses are 0x08 and 0x09, so you would type 08x00x00 and 09x00x00.

Bus:0x08 Device:0x00 Function:0x00
Bus:0x09 Device:0x00 Function:0x00
See how that translates to 08x00x00 and 09x00x00

3- Time to flash, so type:
1st chip> C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /
address 0X-00-00

2nd chip> C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /
address 0X-00-00

Note: Type this to flash your firmware but replacing 0x-00-00 with your hardware addresses you got in step 2b.

4- Restart computer.

5- To see current firmware Information, (now it should be FW Version: type:
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4

Note: If you want to backup the current firmware, before updating for the new one the commands are:
C: \ uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater \ W200FW35 / srom 0 / address 0X-00-00 / dump backup-08.mem
C: \ uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater \ W200FW35 / srom 0 / address 0X-00-00 / dump backup-08.mem

Again, remember to replacing 0x-00-00 and dump backup-0X.mem with your hardware addresses you got in step 2b.

Do all this steps calm and take a deep breath:)
and please don't blame me if something goes wrong!
This is the correct steps and it worked like a charm for me, let me know if this is unclear.

Trying to follow your guide and flash my renesas usb to the latest firmware. Currently using a p8p67 deluxe with the latest bios.

I keep getting this error.

I've placed a copy of your folder in my C: drive by program files and in my windows/system32 folder. That's where command prompt takes me when i run as admin. If i dont run command prompt as admin it takes me to my w8 users folder. I placed the file in there and ran the commands but it doesnt seem to work properly. As soon as i type in the flash command a new dos window pops up with some writing on then vanishes before i can read it. I''m stuck.

1 - Open CMD with administrator privileges.

2 - Now in command prompt type: "cd\" without the quotes
(to be able to go to root directory with command prompt C:\>)

Optional: You can also type: cd.. then cd.. again to go to root directory with command prompt

3 - Then, in your case, copy paste the following commands:
1st chip:
C:\>uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /address 04-00-00
2nd chip:
C:\>uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /address 05-00-00

4 - Restart the computer and you're done .

Now to see current firmware Information, (now it should be FW Version: type:
C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater\W200FW35.exe /srom 4

PS: Good luck and leave your feedback:)

poxxxy wrote:
Do you still have all required files to carry this out? I to wish to upgrade my firmware however station drivers no longer hosts any of the renesas/nec usb 3.0 drivers.

Sigh. You fail at internets.

The current drivers are still there, it's just that everyone has linked to an old page. Just use the site search to to look for "renesas" and then choose the appropriate result (currently result #6).

Also, almost all the older versions can still be found using on the old station drivers URLs

Don't mean to sound snippy - just got tired of everyone linking to the old pages or saying the drivers are gone. They're there, it's just a bit of work to find them.

Level 40
Thank you for your update mate, now at least folks know that the update is there.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
Thanks for your help. Still getting the same message. I did use admin priv on cmd as well. I'm at a loss. What does the error mean exactly?

This error means that you're calling the update from other folder
instead of addressing it directly from updater folder...

What I suggest is manually locate the update folder file through command prompt!

So, you must do the following:

1- Open CMD with administrator privileges. (Now you should see: C:\Windows\system32>)

2- Type: cd\ and hit enter (now you only should see: C:\> (Now we will move until the update folder)

3- So, in front of C:\> type: dir and hit enter (you should see the directory of C:)

4- Now, in front of C:\> type: cd uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater
and hit enter (you should now see C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater>)

5- Now, in front of C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater> type: dir
and hit enter (now you should see what's inside from update folder)

6- Now, in front of C:\uPD720200_uPD720200A_FW_Updater>
type: W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /address 04-00-00
and hit enter, now you should see the first chip being updated :

8- Then type: W200FW35.exe /srom 4 /write F402103.mem cfg.ini /address 05-00-00
and you should see the second chip being updated (or repeat the above steps to update the second chip)

9- Restart the computer and you're done.