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Your chance to request hardware/software forum guides

Level 13
As the title says. Got a guide request (hardware or software)? This is the thread to make the request in. Can't guarantee we can do everything or the scope of what can be covered, but put your requests here and we'll do our best.

Keep support queries or anything off-topic out of the thread please.


Level 18
Thank You Raja.
There are several guides I would like to learn from here.
1. Tweaking, OC'n Memory. Understanding clocks and settings.
2. FX-9590 and the CH V F-Z .. Max'd.
3. Ln2 Guide -- Get'n Froz'n.

Especially #1. .c.

chrsplmr wrote:
1. Tweaking, OC'n Memory. Understanding clocks and settings.

This would be great!...I have picked up a whole lot of RAM stuff from you of course Raja but spread out over lots of posts....I was wondering if you could explain timings a bit and how to choose timings wisely and what interrelationship exists between them...i.e. why picking some numbers would depend on others...

Maybe basics first post and then successively into the nitty gritty until post 9 means I have to go back to college 😄

If and when you have the time! RVE development comes first of course...and beer...

Arne Saknussemm wrote:
This would be great!...I have picked up a whole lot of RAM stuff from you of course Raja but spread out over lots of posts....I was wondering if you could explain timings a bit and how to choose timings wisely and what interrelationship exists between them...i.e. why picking some numbers would depend on others...

Maybe basics first post and then successively into the nitty gritty until post 9 means I have to go back to college 😄

If and when you have the time! RVE development comes first of course...and beer...

I will lay a bit more stuff out in the furture guides (some of it is in there already). It's still going to be complex for the most part as there is a lot of info that ties it all together.

Level 13
Hi Chrs,

1) On which platform - any specifics? Target audience?

2) Will look into that...

3) Would be one for Vizbo I think...


Level 13
I second that Arne.

Thing that maybe doesn't exist at all but bits n part are all here.

Recently did load of comparing 24/7 ocing and the effect (rather lack of) of fans running @ 100% al the time.

Don't take me wrong, I bench a lot, than silence is no issue... Gentle Typhoons @5500 rpm sreaming 80db in my room...

My dream/solution should be ahle to this:

1 Use the suberb Tuning function in FAN XPERT2 tool, also in stand alone version (bench sessions)
2. Use not only the cpu(+opt), cha1 to cha3, but also the opt_1 opt_3 headers. Yes maybe Iam extreme but I use upto 25 fans, 2 pumps)
3. Be able to controle not only (a bunch) fans on the controller but also, read and adjust pump speed (at least 35watt per pump header (2 or 3l.
4. Take advantage of real 4-pins pwm management
5. Add 5 extra thermal sensors that can be place at will.... AND to be able to links specific fans/header to that sensor. 6. It would be great if you can hook up your pump(s) rpm singnal which translates in actual trhrouhput of liquid ammounts.

The ROG front base... I thought.. Maybe this could be it. But I found its Not offering al mentioned functions yet.

On top of that, if you use a lcd screen that feeds you data:
consider this a friend off mine is test pilot for the strike fighter. After his first training session he gave me a call. He said Henk, that plain is amazing, my god someone actually had a brilliant idea and implemented that. The cockpit has displays/screens, most show nothing, there black. Why I asked, because nothing is wrong... Brilliant!! No blinky bling, beep, flash or whatever, compleet rest to do your job. And when something needs your attention, only that part shows up. (besides all relevant data that need to be there allways off course).

But the idea is great : a lcd screen, color display, which you can setup similar to the AIDA64 LOGITECH lcd screen support and the on screen Sensor Panel which is fully customizeable. Showing on that what you want/deem important. So far I have used up to 4 pieces of hardware and 2 programs to sort of achieve this..

Any ideas / guides? Well al that in 1 tool/hardware/software combo... Yes please

Level 7
Looking for link to firmware update for ROG front Base I have a Maximus VII Hero board and just purchased Front base.

Level 7
My name is noah, i got my own Asus G750jm.. can you teach me about this laptop. i just bought so many games on steam like gta4, far cry 4, assasin creed black flag, and many more but all of it are just too laggy why???? do i have to over clock or something???? thankyou

Level 7
Maybe thorough guide on what bios settings mean and details on what each do, cause and effect style. I know that the bios gives a general idea but a more in depth style would be nice. Extreme tweaker has alot of options within it but not alot of explanation for what each itwm will do or cause.

Level 12
Just a question,is there a complete guide to setting up a gaming pc from start to finish?.I mean from the install of Windows right through to starting up your game covering everything from what software is needed and what to stay away from including pointless windows updates that are totally not needed.Also including anything that can conflict with the running of a game and hinder its performance with links all in the 1 thread by someone who is fully experienced at this.It would also be a great thread for people's contributions to what works and what does not for gaming only.I for one am very inexperienced compared to many on this forum and would learn a heap from an idea like this.Its a lot of work I know, but it would be a huge benefit to this forum and may even attract more people.There are so many things that go into setting up a gaming pc that can contribute to a successful rig for gaming and there are a lot of things that the pc gamer does not realise that needs to be done and they are mainly the little things that people overlook.I think to when it comes to gaming there is an order in which things should be setup and I think it matters especially when installing a simple video card driver.This is just a thought I had today when installing windows on a new machine as problems can arise as soon as Windows start updating and an Internet connection is established.Thanks for listening guys as this is just a thought.:)