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overclock i7 4930k with a rampage IV Extreme Black newbi help

Level 7
I have never overclocked a pc before I have an i7 4930k and Asus Rampage IV Extreme Black edition I would like to overclock just the CPU as I have 64GB Corsair Vengeance 1866MHz CL9 1.5v ram and I don't need this any faster plus would the imc be able to handle anything higher I am running at stock @ 3.4GHz with a corsair H110 water cooling I would like to see what the speed is like at 3.8GHz but what does everyone recommend is 3.8GHz fast enough or to fast or not fast enough? My main HDD is an SSD for Win 7 Pro graphics wise there is a GTX Titan over clocked edition with the windforce 3x fan cooling I don't know anything about gigabyte oc guru 2 and if I should overclock or use the oc guru 2 to "boost" the titan if possible or necessary. 🙂 thanks all

Level 40
Hey Gabriel..

Your CPU should be turboing up to 3.9GHZ already right? You could simply go into BIOS and sync all cores to 39 if XMP hasn't already done that when you set up the RAM.

Then just bump up that multiplier and keep an eye on temps and volts that auto sets or try setting some manual voltages. Often people set 1.4v manual and slowly raise the multiplier to see what they can get out of the CPU that way if they are confident in their cooling...i.e. have low ambient and cood cooler....

fast enough?....that's a slippery slope...;)

For OCing Titan I would go with afterburner or PrecisionX myself...but do that after RAM and CPU are stable...

Level 7
I'd go ahead and set all cores to 40x and give that a try at stock volts. Run some stress testing app and see how it does, if it passes, you can bump up the multi 1x until it fails, then take it back 1x multi. Stock volts should be around 1.25 or so, you have a little room to increase it, but not a lot given your cooling. You'd probably be ok 1.25-1.4V or so.