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G750JM - 860M GPU STABLE OC. Clock @ 1230 & mem @ 2975

Level 7

:cool: Here is how to make your OC stick instead of the GPU utility OCing it based on a thermal level. You are going to use the stock ASUS GPU Utilitys barebones not the fancy GUI, location under C:/Program Files /ASUS/ASUS GPUTWEAK .Open the file named clock and change the values 540/843 to 1234/ 900 - save. Now OPEN VGATOOL10.exe and open the CLOCK TAB. match these settings with picture below and press set then OK. CAREFUL WITH THE CLOCKS !! DO NOT TO SET IT ANY HIGHER!!! I FOUND THE SWEET SPOT FOR YOU!! DONT BLAME ME IF YOU FRY YOUR CARD. 36034 ...bro... do you even OC? 36040

39871 39872

Level 12
GOONZ wrote:
:cool: Here is how to make your OC stick instead of the GPU utility OCing it based on a thermal level. You are going to use the stock ASUS GPU Utilitys barebones not the fancy GUI, location under C:/Program Files /ASUS/ASUS GPUTWEAK .Open the file named clock and change the values 540/843 to 1097/ 900 - save. Now OPEN VGATOOL10.exe and open the CLOCK TAB. match these settings with picture below and press set then OK. CAREFUL WITH THE CLOCKS !! DO NOT TO SET IT ANY HIGHER!!! I FOUND THE SWEET SPOT FOR YOU!! DONT BLAME ME IF YOU FRY YOUR CARD. ...bro... do you even?

GOONZ, sweet, we appreciate the info, but you know most of the people on here are gonna play around with it 🙂

Can you post some of the how to steps, problems, and recoveries you ran into getting those final numbers?

Some G750JM's might have a similar performing GTX card as you, but others will have less tunable and some more tunable ranges on their GTX cards, so while your numbers work for you, they may be too high for some and too low for others. So a step by step how to tune would be helpful.

Also, there are 2 other GTX cards in the new lineup, and if they are like the JW/JX/JH the numbers aren't shareable between models.

Can you post some before/after benchmarks too? 3dmark *, Cinebench, etc.

Have you spent any time tuning the memory clock?

Level 7
is 5,000 mhz memory clock too high? thats what it shows as default.. i didnt touch it lol... but it shows my memory clock is at 1248 mhz in sensors in gpu Z so im confused.. i have a 880m 4 gb vram36039

Level 7
how are the temps when you play bf4 ? cpu and gpu thanks 🙂
Laptop : ASUS G750JW : i7 4700HQ - 16Gb - 2Tb HDD - GTX 765M OC (+135/500) - Full HD Matte - Win 8.1
Retiered : Toshiba L670 i5 560M/8Gb Corsair/1TB/HD5650 1Gb @ 625/800 /WD 1Tb USB3/Win7

Level 7
I would say the ASUS Utility is off. Use MSI afterburner and GPU-Z to see how far you can OC your memory little by little. post a snapshot of your card through GPU-Z. I would have to re-install BF4 to get those temps for you. Currently on Titan Fall and NFS: Rivals. JUst playeD COD GHOST with maxed out everything with 4xTXAA Antialiasing and frames are smooth and GPU is under %100 load. My temps dont go any higher than 61 paired with OC, Undervolted to the CPU 4700HQ by -56mv

ok attached cpu z pic.. how much u think i can overclock memory? btw whats max temp i want my card to get to? it goes up to 84 c in crysis... i bought a cooler pad.. waiting for it in mail36042

IN GPU TWEAK ( one that came with PC ) that memory ( MHz) is 2505 .... but cpu z is telling me that..


This while playing TitanFall for about an hour or so, dont see temps past 65C max GPU load .. Guess it does pay off to Undervolt. Must of gotten a good paste job too!. IDK. \0/

The max you can go up to is about 100C. At that point your playing with fire. Some fine specs there sir, I say you can boost up to 1200 on the core clock and maybe around 1500 on the memory. little at a time. use the VGATOOL10 from the ASUS GPU folder to find your max CORE clock and use MSI after burner and set the MEMORY clocks.. then take note of what GPU-Z shows once you set them both in VGATOOL10. Its all about testing!!! Have fun, post back what your stable OC good sir. thx

GOONZ wrote:
I would say the ASUS Utility is off. Use MSI afterburner and GPU-Z to see how far you can OC your memory little by little. post a snapshot of your card through GPU-Z. I would have to re-install BF4 to get those temps for you. Currently on Titan Fall and NFS: Rivals. JUst playeD COD GHOST with maxed out everything with 4xTXAA Antialiasing and frames are smooth and GPU is under %100 load. My temps dont go any higher than 61 paired with OC, Undervolted to the CPU 4700HQ by -56mv

Thanks ! the JM rocks ! the cpu and gpu are at 61° ? That's cool ! The ambiant temperature may have given a little help in order to achieve that low temps 😄
Laptop : ASUS G750JW : i7 4700HQ - 16Gb - 2Tb HDD - GTX 765M OC (+135/500) - Full HD Matte - Win 8.1
Retiered : Toshiba L670 i5 560M/8Gb Corsair/1TB/HD5650 1Gb @ 625/800 /WD 1Tb USB3/Win7

Level 7
why is it saying 1251 mhz memory in cpu z? and in msi burner it shows its at 2505 mhz and gpu tweak says its a t2505mhz... im confused