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G74 Upgrades

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I recently purchased a G74SX-A1 and would like to at least upgrade the empty secondary HD slot into a decent SSD. I also heard that the wireless card for the G73 wasn't great and should be replaced, not sure if that still holds true for the G74 series. Here's what I was considering doing:

  • Add a Vertex 3 120 SSD for the OS and games and use the existing 750 HDD for data
  • Replace the wireless card (haven't researched which yet)
  • Add another 4 gigs of RAM to get to 16

Any suggestions for these upgrades or general recommendations about something not mentioned here? The user reviews for the Vertex 3 vary from phenomenally fast to completely unstable, so I was curious if you folks had any experience.

Thanks much!

Level 7
I recently bought a g74sx-A1 very recently as well and i love it, i bought the Vertex 3 120 SSD Max IOPS and i absolutely love it, its all this laptop needs, but i also have to say that i would love to upgrade the wireless card as well but i cant find any guides on how to do this... i want to buy the bigfoot wireless 3x3 cause i heard from a few people that its a great wireless card , you lose bluetooth with that card but i dont really use bluetooth anyways, as for RAM unless you love to multi task and open many many programs then 12 GB is way more than enough, im a huge multi tasker and 12 GB is still more than enough for me 😄

If you find a guide how to replace the wireless card in Asus G74sx please link it here >.< i've been searching and searching but im a bad searcher lol 😞

The wireless card is supposedly REALLY easy to replace on G74sx; just one screw and 2 antenna connections. On another forum someone had problems with the Bigfoot card. But the Intel 6300 is always spoken of highly. Or the Intel 6250 if you wanna keep bluetooth.
Read the User's Manual for more info. 😄

G74SX-A1 BIOS 203
Intel 6230 WiFi/BT
LG E2350 LED LCD Monitor
Intel Series 510 120 GB SSD

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JRd1st on

spending extra money on more ram is probably a waste.

maybe spend it on a good bag or a nice headset.
dstrakele wrote:
I just blow the flames out and keep playin'....

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Thanks for the advice. I figured the RAM would barely be noticeable, but it's so cheap nowadays.

Level 10
Adding the extra stick will allow the 2nd bank to operate in Dual Channel mode, for the small boost.
[SIGPIC]Kicking Ass Since Today[/SIGPIC]

Level 7
edit: better if i make my own post ^^

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A cheaper option to keep bluetooth would be the Intel 6230 (that's the one I bought). I believe the only difference between the 6230 and the 6250 is WiMax (which I don't need).

Actually, 6250 was a typo and I also have a 6230 coming.
Read the User's Manual for more info. 😄

G74SX-A1 BIOS 203
Intel 6230 WiFi/BT
LG E2350 LED LCD Monitor
Intel Series 510 120 GB SSD

Drivers, Apps and How To's
Latest nVidia Drivers

JRd1st on

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Ah ok cool haha. Mine's on the way as well