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Asus G750JM-DS71 Temperatures Tested

Level 7
I. Intro

Hello Everyone. I recently bought myself the new Asus G750JM-DS71. When I was looking at buying the JM, one of the things I spent a long time looking for was CPU and GPU temperatures under different conditions. Now that I have the JM, I have decided to thoroughly test it and post the results. Hopefully others considering the Asus G750JM will find them useful.

II. Test Notes

1. The G750JM-DS71 I used is stock and is not modified in anyway for the tests. I will replace the hard drive with a SSD in about a month, but this should have little effect on CPU and GPU temps. All tests were completed on a flat desk with all vents unblocked. The laptop was on AC power for all tests other than the idle test.

2. For all tests I used a standard firmware configuration and clock speed with Asus GPU Tweak turned off (unless otherwise noted). I included the graphics driver version I am using in the tests.

3. I used Asus GPU Tweak to monitor GPU temperatures and Intel Extreme Tuning Utility to monitor CPU temperatures.

4. In tests which utilize a stress testing program, pc game, or other program, I have listed the configurations in the test details section.

III. Test Results
Idle Test
Test #1 Idle
Test Description: This test is designed to simulate normal idle.
Test Details: No extra programs are running and the NVIDIA 860m is shutoff.

Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 10 Minutes

In this test, 0:00 is 1 minute after Windows boots to desktop
Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 41C N/A
0:05 42C N/A
0:10 42C N/A
0:15 40C N/A
0:20 42C N/A
0:25 40C N/A
0:30 41C N/A
0:45 41C N/A
1:00 41C N/A
2:00 43C N/A
3:00 43C N/A
4:00 45C N/A
5:00 42C N/A
6:00 42C N/A
7:00 42C N/A
8:00 42C N/A
9:00 43C N/A
10:00 43C N/A

CPU Tests
Test #2 Prime95
Test Description: A test using Prime95's stress testing feature.
Test Details: Prime95 version 25.11 build 2 used. Program is 64-bit version. In-place large FFTs Torture Test used.

Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 15 Minutes

Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 43C N/A
0:05 66C N/A
0:10 69C N/A
0:15 73C N/A
0:20 76C N/A
0:25 79C N/A
0:30 81C N/A
0:45 84C N/A
1:00 87C N/A
2:00 86C N/A
3:00 87C N/A
4:00 88C N/A
5:00 89C N/A
6:00 89C N/A
7:00 88C N/A
8:00 90C N/A
9:00 89C N/A
10:00 89C N/A
11:00 88C N/A
12:00 90C N/A
13:00 90C N/A
14:00 88C N/A
15:00 89C N/A

Test #3 Intel Burn Test
Test Description: A test using IntelBurnTest.
Test Details: IntelBurnTest version 2.54 used. 64-bit mode used. Maximum stress level used. Run one time.

Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: About 7 Minutes (One Run)

Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 69C N/A
0:05 70C N/A
0:10 73C N/A
0:15 75C N/A
0:20 75C N/A
0:25 78C N/A
0:30 77C N/A
0:45 90C N/A
1:00 95C N/A
2:00 89C N/A
3:00 89C N/A
4:00 90C N/A
5:00 89C N/A
6:00 90C N/A
7:00 90C N/A

Test #4 Passmark BurnIn CPU Only
Test Description: A test using Passmark BurnIn. Only the CPU portion is used in this test.
Test Details: Passmark BurnIn version 7.1 Standard (1071) 64-bit version. Maximum CPU temp. quick test used.

Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 10 Minutes

Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 45C N/A
0:05 64C N/A
0:10 67C N/A
0:15 69C N/A
0:20 71C N/A
0:25 71C N/A
0:30 75C N/A
0:45 77C N/A
1:00 77C N/A
2:00 82C N/A
3:00 80C N/A
4:00 81C N/A
5:00 81C N/A
6:00 82C N/A
7:00 82C N/A
8:00 82C N/A
9:00 81C N/A
10:00 82C N/A

GPU Tests
Test #5 FurMark
Test Description: A test using FurMark.
Test Details: FurMark version used. 10 minute test with dynamic background and burn-in options selected. 1920x1080 non-fullscreen.

Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
GPU Driver Version: GeForce 332.33
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 10 Minutes

Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 62C 42C
0:05 64C 56C
0:10 67C 60C
0:15 66C 63C
0:20 67C 64C
0:25 68C 67C
0:30 66C 68C
0:45 70C 70C
1:00 67C 71C
2:00 68C 73C
3:00 68C 75C
4:00 70C 75C
5:00 67C 76C
6:00 67C 77C
7:00 70C 77C
8:00 69C 78C
9:00 69C 78C
10:00 72C 78C

Test #6 Unigine Heaven
Test Description: A test using Unigine Corp's Heaven benchmark.
Test Details: Unigine Heaven 4.0 Basic Version used. DirectX 11 API, Ultra quality, Extreme tessellation, Anti-Analyzing off, non-fullscreen, system resolution.

Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
GPU Driver Version: GeForce 332.33
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 8:42 (Two Cycles)

Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 69C 45C
0:05 66C 55C
0:10 67C 58C
0:15 66C 60C
0:20 66C 62C
0:25 66C 62C
0:30 65C 64C
0:45 68C 65C
1:00 64C 66C
2:00 61C 68C
3:00 61C 69C
4:00 65C 70C
5:00 62C 70C
6:00 69C 71C
7:00 65C 71C
8:00 66C 72C
8:42 67C 72C

Test #7 Unigine Valley
Test Description: A test using Unigine Corp's Valley benchmark.
Test Details: Unigine Valley Basic used. DirectX 11 API, Ultra quality, Anti-Analyzing off, non-fullscreen, system resolution.

Run # 1 Initial Run
Date: 05/01/2014
GPU Driver Version: GeForce 332.33
Ambient Air Temperature: 21C-24C (70F-75F)
Test Length: 6:18 (Two Cycles)

Time (Min:Sec) CPU Temperature GPU Temperature
0:00 68C 48C
0:05 66C 58C
0:10 67C 61C
0:15 69C 64C
0:20 70C 65C
0:25 67C 67C
0:30 66C 68C
0:45 71C 69C
1:00 68C 70C
2:00 72C 71C
3:00 70C 73C
4:00 69C 73C
5:00 69C 73C
6:00 67C 74C
6:18 71C 74C

Level 7
IV. Other G750JM Owners: Post Your Temps

First off I would like to say that I am not responsible for any damage that occurs to your computer as a result of stress testing.

But with that being said, I and I am sure many others would appreciate other G750JM owners posting their temperatures to see any variances between units.

Your temperatures during doing anything specific would be helpful, and preforming one of my tests and recording your results would be even more helpful. Even just doing the “Idle”, “Prime95”, and “FurMark” tests would provide great visibility in temperature differences between units.

If you do decide to contribute, please make sure to include your exact model (DS71 or BSI7N23), the program you used to record your temps, what exactly you where doing and with what settings, any screen grabs of temperature graphs, etc. I think pretty much the more info the better.

Thanks for your help. 🙂

Level 7
My JM temps cpu wise got around 80-85c, but my cpu full load 65-70c.

But I just got my js today, and haven't run cpu test yet, but ran furmark and a few kombuster runs, gpu gets 80-85c. And fans on the jm while running the same tests stayed the same 65c and fan noise was low, almost had to put ears by back on computer in order to hear the fans. But the js with the 870m the temps were again 85c and fan noise was noticeable even while sitting in the chair.

dblkk wrote:
My JM temps cpu wise got around 80-85c, but my cpu full load 65-70c...

You typed cpu twice, which temp is CPU and which temp is GPU?

Level 7
Sorry about that, cpu temps 80-85c at 100%. The gpu full load 65c normally, seen 70 just a few times

Level 7
nice but what about ingame temps 😄
It will give you much more realistic values than Valley and that stuff 🙂
Laptop : ASUS G750JW : i7 4700HQ - 16Gb - 2Tb HDD - GTX 765M OC (+135/500) - Full HD Matte - Win 8.1
Retiered : Toshiba L670 i5 560M/8Gb Corsair/1TB/HD5650 1Gb @ 625/800 /WD 1Tb USB3/Win7