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Just received my 2 ASUS ROG MATRIX-R9290X-P-4GD5

Level 13
Cant wait to play 🙂

Will post up some benchmarks very soon.

Hay Menthol did yours come in yet?

Level 14
didnt know geforce made AMD cards 😉

Level 9

Kronvict wrote:

that is AMD not nvidia 😉
geforce = nvidia

Level 9
Yes exactly. Its an AMD card not a Geforce card. Since you claimed that you didn't know Geforce made AMD cards. Which they don't 😉

Kronvict wrote:
Yes exactly. Its an AMD card not a Geforce card. Since you claimed that you didn't know Geforce made AMD cards. Which they don't 😉

sarcasm 😛

kkn wrote:
sarcasm 😛

Sarcasm indeed 😛

Level 10
my new toys arriving tomorrow with DHL 🙂 though not 290x s. Go gettem lets see some killer scores Meankeys 🙂
It started with a VIC-20... and now it is. Maximus Formula VI Intel 4770K 4.6GHz ASUS GTX780Ti 3GB Corsair Platinum Dominator 16GB 2400MHz Raid Express 240GB Samsung EVO 512 GB SSD Corsair 900D EK watercooling Corsair RM1000 ASUS PB278Q

MatsGlobetrotter wrote:
my new toys arriving tomorrow with DHL 🙂 though not 290x s. Go gettem lets see some killer scores Meankeys 🙂

Thanks... We shall see. Although Menthol is getting a set + he ordered water blocks for them. He will be the one to beat am sure 🙂

Level 14
Yes mine were on the door step when I returned from work, along with the power supply I need to finish my daughters PC. I need to finish her's and take it to mo her house Saturday, my grandson's birthday party, Xavier, I just call him X, he likes it. I then want to set up the RIVBE and 290X's, but I should be setting up my single core AMD for the HWBOT team competition thing, only thing is I am not expecting to score to well with it, It has been so long, I don't remember anything about overclocking it. I need to see how much time is left in that competition and make a decision on what to do first. I would not say that I am the one to watch though, I have not proven to be good with AMD in the past. I am hoping for better results. I hope I don't have Arne's luck with these two blocks