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PG278Q bugs with videos

Level 7
Sometimes when I start a video with my PG278Q on youtube or on some other website my screen bugs, it just freezes and ripples a little, like in the picture shown. Sometimes it stays for 5-15 seconds like that and then starts working normally and sometimes I have to restart my computer to get it working again. What's the problem and how do I fix it?

Level 15
What is your PC spec - graphics/drivers?
If you disable GSync in the driver does it still happen?
Do you have other options switched on like ULMB etc?

I have hd 7970 ghz vapor-x, i downloaded the latest amd drivers, it's version 14.7. Gsync shouldn't be on since I don't have an nvidia gpu, although as you can see in the pic, the color of the circle on my monitor is red, which should indicate that gsync is on, but the information on the monitor's settings say that the monitor is running on normal mode. I haven't changed any options except the refresh rate to 144hz or 120hz. ULMB isn't on and afaik amd gpu's don't even support it.

Now that I am at it, my turbo key doesn't also work. When I press it a little window pops up which tells me what refresh rate the screen is using but I can't change the refresh rate by pressing the button. Also I'm not sure if this is an issue with the monitor or not, but with my previous monitor I didn't have this problem so I guess it is: occasionally when I'm playing Elder Scrolls Online or Planetside 2 the game freezes completely. The computer still kinda works and my mouse works. I can ctrl+alt+del and then start task manager but I can't close the game even via task manager because I can't see the task manager window since the crashed game won't minimize. Though I have played lol without any issues so I'm not sure what's going on.

Mewthree wrote:
I have hd 7970 ghz vapor-x, i downloaded the latest amd drivers, it's version 14.7. Gsync shouldn't be on since I don't have an nvidia gpu, although as you can see in the pic, the color of the circle on my monitor is red, which should indicate that gsync is on, but the information on the monitor's settings say that the monitor is running on normal mode. I haven't changed any options except the refresh rate to 144hz or 120hz. ULMB isn't on and afaik amd gpu's don't even support it.

No, it's not the circle, it's the power LED in the bottom right of the display. It's out of shot on the picture sorry. I've actually no idea if that's a compatibility issue with AMD on a GSync monitor. I will try to dig up an AMD GPU to test with.

You can select 60/120/144 via the driver control panel though? Does the video or game issue happen at 60Hz (just out of interest) - maybe it's an AMD driver issue with high refresh rates at that resolution...?

Ohh it's the led, thanks for clearing that out. Yeah, the led is white. It seems the problem with the game crashes was the OC on my GPU. Looks like it couldn't handle 1440p so I reset it to stock speeds and everything went fine at least for an hour, didn't test it longer tho. Also, since I changed the refresh rate from 144hz to 120hz I haven't had any issues with youtube or other videos. Yes, I can select 60/120/144 via the driver control panel.

EDIT: I changed the monitor back to 144hz and videos worked fine without any issues so I've no idea what caused the issue.

Level 7
Can you confirm that the monitor is running at 144Hz ?.

When i select 144Hz in Catalyst Control panel the monitor starts flickering like crazy... lots of horisontal lines.. (

I am on 290x latest RC 14.7 drivers.. Stock clock. Same result when i run on WHQL 14.4 drivers.

ThomasBo wrote:
Can you confirm that the monitor is running at 144Hz ?.

When i select 144Hz in Catalyst Control panel the monitor starts flickering like crazy... lots of horisontal lines.. (

I am on 290x latest RC 14.7 drivers.. Stock clock. Same result when i run on WHQL 14.4 drivers.

I'm getting the exact same issue as you. Have you had any luck with fixing it. I can get 120hz and 60hz to run fine but as soon as I go to 144hz I get the same thing happen like in your photo. Also I cant use ULMB mode?

Level 14
videos = 60FPS or less so buggy no matter what.