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G750 temperature problems

Level 7
Hello. I recently bought G750JM. Everything was very good for a first two days but then strange things started. At idle stance cpu works around 45C temperature, but on games it jumps till 85-90C. I tried to start stress test and benchmarking with XTU. Stresstest showed me 89C temperature while benchmarking reached 96C temperature on CPU. It looks too hot and not good. GPU never reached more than 72C and cooler on the right side of the computer always works much slower, even on the stresstest and benchmark. I searched answer in this forum but I can't find anything that would help. Should I get it for warranty check?

Level 7
This is not how it's suppose to be, you need to see why the Temps are going up and when are they going up. Never try to stress test when they are already too high and heated. If you searched the forums properly :), then you would see every now and then these kinds of threads and people helping with different things all in all, Go ahead and download CPUID HWMonitor to know when the Temperature goes up and what you need to do in order to solve them,

Install this tool and restart your system then open it, then see what are the normal temps when the system boots, and when do they get high and what are you doing when they get high?, Also check the utilization what is taking more and Temps vice versa My JZ never goes above 77 C max no matter what I do to it this includes Rendering, Games, Apps, Benchmarking, Chrome with zillion tabs nothing it doesn't go high, although the normal temps whatever you do should be below 90 and not above this. Then definitely there is a problem somewhere, you need to tweak in-game settings for e.g CS:GO, League used to give me 64+ C both CPU/GPU while in-gaming, and I know League is a game which doesn't require anything major, I found out turning on Vsync keeps these games below 58 and work perfectly fine while making them much smoother and FPS great at 60 C, the Fans as well will not go high like before arond 3100 RPM. So you need to tweak and adjust settings and see what you see fit, but definitely the temps you have wrote are not good and should never be in 90+ C range. Moreover, you can see in this tool, if your fans are working up to keep the system cool as well 2300 RPM on 40 C normal and 2700 slightly up when near 58-62 C. Let us know how it works out 🙂
Where to find latest Asus Rog G750/751 drivers?

Please use search in the forums, there might be alot of threads which have similar answers to what you are looking for!

I tried HW monitor program already. When I start a computer it works perfectly. At idle temps are 38-45C on Cpu and 32-35C on gpu. When I am surfing on internet it lifts till 50C on cpu but i think this is okay. But when I start game like Europa Universalis 4 or my sister plays The Sims 3 temperature reaches 78-87C temperature, fan works on ~3000rmp, while gpu is still less than 60C. But first two days those temperatures on cpu were not that high because when The Sims 3 reaches 85C it starts to lag a bit. I wonder maybe is that because of Intel Hd graphics, because when I started games first time, in game window pops and writes that it cant find gpu. I checked settings on nVidia control panel and set physx configuration on graphics card instead of cpu but temperatures still the same as before. Maybe there is other way to turn of intel graphics adapterif it is his problem?

Extrymas21 wrote:
I tried HW monitor program already. When I start a computer it works perfectly. At idle temps are 38-45C on Cpu and 32-35C on gpu. When I am surfing on internet it lifts till 50C on cpu but i think this is okay. But when I start game like Europa Universalis 4 or my sister plays The Sims 3 temperature reaches 78-87C temperature, fan works on ~3000rmp, while gpu is still less than 60C. But first two days those temperatures on cpu were not that high because when The Sims 3 reaches 85C it starts to lag a bit. I wonder maybe is that because of Intel Hd graphics, because when I started games first time, in game window pops and writes that it cant find gpu. I checked settings on nVidia control panel and set physx configuration on graphics card instead of cpu but temperatures still the same as before. Maybe there is other way to turn of intel graphics adapterif it is his problem?

There we go, thats a much better explanation then before and now we know where it goes up, below 80 C is also good. Well your idle temps are fine, the only thing you need to work on is the Sim3 making sure it runs on Nvidia GPU card, did you try the below,


Open Nvidia Control Panel and check the below option as well, this is a very neat utility which will stay in the Taskbar and stay there it will basically tell you when you launch a game or app, it needs Nvidia GPU and switches to it or not,


Although 85 C is also somewhat normal, as if the Game/App needs it it will take the GPU out of it, but regardless 90C looks odd. Try to do the below not in Physx but 3D Options and see if it helps anything,


Let us know how it works out for you 🙂
Where to find latest Asus Rog G750/751 drivers?

Please use search in the forums, there might be alot of threads which have similar answers to what you are looking for!

Level 7
Okay, I will try and I will let you know. It will take some tims, bc now I need to update origin but I am abroad and have only 7kb/s internet speed. Hate internet in Norway.

Extrymas21 wrote:
Okay, I will try and I will let you know. It will take some tims, bc now I need to update origin but I am abroad and have only 7kb/s internet speed. Hate internet in Norway.

Take your time, no worries at all 🙂 hope it all works out for you
Where to find latest Asus Rog G750/751 drivers?

Please use search in the forums, there might be alot of threads which have similar answers to what you are looking for!

Level 7
Anything did not helped. Temperatures still the same. Cpu heats up to 82-88C. Any more ideas where could be a problem? Anyway thanks for your help!

Extrymas21 wrote:
Anything did not helped. Temperatures still the same. Cpu heats up to 82-88C. Any more ideas where could be a problem? Anyway thanks for your help!

Are all games running the CPU at 82-88C? or its only the SIMS 3? While googling up SIMS 3 does bring up alot of issues with high GPU/CPU Utilizations, it is fairly certain that some tweak settings in game will help bring those down too, as going through some threads, I found out that the CPU/GPU throttle can be reduced by enabling VSYNC in SIMS3, have a look at some threads below, as long as its below 90C you should be fine just to be curious, I don't have that game to check it on my JZ otherwise would do that too 🙂
Where to find latest Asus Rog G750/751 drivers?

Please use search in the forums, there might be alot of threads which have similar answers to what you are looking for!

Level 7
It is quite hard for me to check other games. Now temperature does not go higher than 83C on that game and sister is playing about an hour. They are freezing rare times but I think it is a game problem because I cant update it with that crappy 5kb/s internet. I will test that Europa Universalis game after few mins and will give you a report. It is very hard to say something more accurate about other games because I just can't download them with that internet speed (steam downloaded 70mb of 100mb update per 3hours). I believe maybe now everything is okay, but temperature is on the edge. It is quite bad that I am leaving Norway next Saturday and if this laptop goes wrong, I must get ir back to vendor or fix it in my country by paying money. Or maybe asus can take waranty worldwide , not only in that place where I bought computer? I will check for that on internet because they gave me Norwegian Warranty book and I can't understand what is written in that book.

Extrymas21 wrote:
It is quite hard for me to check other games. Now temperature does not go higher than 83C on that game and sister is playing about an hour. They are freezing rare times but I think it is a game problem because I cant update it with that crappy 5kb/s internet. I will test that Europa Universalis game after few mins and will give you a report. It is very hard to say something more accurate about other games because I just can't download them with that internet speed (steam downloaded 70mb of 100mb update per 3hours). I believe maybe now everything is okay, but temperature is on the edge. It is quite bad that I am leaving Norway next Saturday and if this laptop goes wrong, I must get ir back to vendor or fix it in my country by paying money. Or maybe asus can take waranty worldwide , not only in that place where I bought computer? I will check for that on internet because they gave me Norwegian Warranty book and I can't understand what is written in that book.

Let us know how it goes :), yes the international warranty applies and you can use it anywhere. But the high temps should be only consistent in the game SIMS3 by the looks of it anything below 90C you should be good to go. Don't worry there won't be any major problems at all with the laptop as they normally don't break just like that unless you do something wrong 😄 but that is less likely the case.
Where to find latest Asus Rog G750/751 drivers?

Please use search in the forums, there might be alot of threads which have similar answers to what you are looking for!