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New profile for fans G751 JY

Level 7
Hi !! I have second G751 JY (i7 4860HQ , 16 GB ram , 980m , ssd 256 plextor m6s , 1 tb hitachi) again have higher MAX temps on cpu , but lower then i have in first . I thinking what too do , i used notebook fan control with asus zenbook profile , but on him idle have 50 degrees on cpu cause he has 0-50 fans off ... So i thinking how to make new profile ... its take some time cause i dont know this program before but i make it 🙂 Now i have new profile its called NOWY and he works auto :
0-30 degrees fans 0
30-45 degrees fans 25%
45-55 degrees fans 37,5 %
55-65 degrees fans 50 %
65-80 degrees fans 100 %
Its works amazing on furmark + prime 95 small ftt i take down my temps almost on 10 from MAX ...again i have core 2 with higher temps without this profil on this test i have 94 on core 2 and throttling 45642 this temps are not good i have lower but is 1 example . In game is ALOT better 🙂 FC4 on ultra i have 58-74 on cpu never reach 80 hahaha GPU max 68 but almost time 58-61 🙂
ASUS G751 JY / i7 4860 HQ / GTX 980 M / 16 GGB RAM / SSD 256 PLEXTOR M6S / HDD 1 TB HITACHI 7200 🙂
Fire Strike
101 REPLIES 101

Level 10
That's amazing dude! Could you please share a fast tutorial on how you managed to set the new profile for NotebookFanControl ?
I am currently speaking with the ASUS tech support from my country and I'm trying to make them understand that a large percentage of G751JY users have issues with CPU temperature and that we need a new fan profile. But until now I only got responses like "Install the latest drivers", "Call the service for a repaste", "Use a coolpad" . Seriously... they actually told me to use a coolpad for this machine... If I wanted to use a coolpad I wouldn't have bought a 4KG freaking monster ...

PS: Could you also share some screenshots with the CPU fan rpm on maximum load , please!

I can make more i can put here this profil so u can download and put in your instaled notebook fan folder and use 🙂 But i thinking about some changes in him cause its to cold in idle and too fast 100% fans 🙂 I think better will be 30-40 degrees and 12,5 % fans , and 73-80 make 100% fan , ofc i change others to have all degrees in fan controls 🙂
max fans 3300 , but on hwmonitor i see one time 4200 in high , but i think its some bug in aida 64 never cross 3300 .
ASUS G751 JY / i7 4860 HQ / GTX 980 M / 16 GGB RAM / SSD 256 PLEXTOR M6S / HDD 1 TB HITACHI 7200 🙂
Fire Strike

Wishmaker77 wrote:
I can make more i can put here this profil so u can download and put in your instaled notebook fan folder and use 🙂 But i thinking about some changes in him cause its to cold in idle and too fast 100% fans 🙂 I think better will be 30-40 degrees and 12,5 % fans , and 73-80 make 100% fan , ofc i change others to have all degrees in fan controls 🙂
max fans 3300 , but on hwmonitor i see one time 4200 in high , but i think its some bug in aida 64 never cross 3300 .

I started messing up with NotebookFanControl either. I am sure that the maximum fan speed is higher than 3300, because some guy on the forums had a bug on his laptop that made the CPU fan run at maximum speed without any software change and the fan was running at 4200rpm (The maximum we know for sure until now).
I'm waiting for a config from you, because I can't seem to get the NBFC to work as I intend :))

Level 7
i stress out the cpu and never gets more that 79c and 2800rpm :)))
at idle has 40-42c and 2200rpm

d0r1n wrote:
i stress out the cpu and never gets more that 79c and 2800rpm :)))
at idle has 40-42c and 2200rpm
Good for u But u have JY with i7 4860 ?
ASUS G751 JY / i7 4860 HQ / GTX 980 M / 16 GGB RAM / SSD 256 PLEXTOR M6S / HDD 1 TB HITACHI 7200 🙂
Fire Strike

Wishmaker77 wrote:
Good for u But u have JY with i7 4860 ?

jy 4710

Level 7
Looks impressive, good job Wishmaker. Please keep us updated about your fan profile, because I seriously wanna cry when I play Far Cry 3 and see 93°C temps and checking guy on youtube with same laptop and has 74°C . . . Trying to delay RMA as long as possible, but if this fan profile would work well without any issues then it would fix problems of many people there.

Level 8
Dorin. Are you stressing cpu and gpu using prime and furmark at the same time? If so thats great temps.
wishmaker. Pkease hurry with the custom fan config 🙂
The only way i can bring temps down when maxing out on demanding games is by changing processor power management to 99%. This keeps the games running below 80. Without this it can be in the 90s. Ive tried xtu and undervolting but this has very little effect on temps.

insiZion1 wrote:
Dorin. Are you stressing cpu and gpu using prime and furmark at the same time? If so thats great temps.
wishmaker. Pkease hurry with the custom fan config 🙂
The only way i can bring temps down when maxing out on demanding games is by changing processor power management to 99%. This keeps the games running below 80. Without this it can be in the 90s. Ive tried xtu and undervolting but this has very little effect on temps.

It seems I managed to make a profile similar to the default one, but with higher CPU/GPU rpm after 60C. I have to test it in different situations and I'll come back with a profile upload if everything works fine.
Btw, the fact that you make your processor run on maximum 99% actually kills it's turbo and it limits the CPU to 2490Mhz or smth. That's why you get so good temps. But that is not a solution because you are killng more than 30% of the CPU power. The CPU should run fine even at 3500Mhz constantly.
It seems that with a NBFC profile I may get the opportunity to run the CPU at it's full power without worrying about high temps or throttle.