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phanteks enthoo primo fan controller stack at max speed

Level 7
Hello all,

I am trying to setup the fan controller that came with my case (phanteks enthoo primo), but no matter what configuration I try the fans are always stack to max RPM. I RMA the fan controller, but testing at supplier site showed no problems suggesting my motherboard.

Does any of you guys had any expiriance with it?

For reference, I connect the fan controller to the CPU fan header and power it up over the SATA cable (tried any other header as well with the same results).


Level 7
Do you know if your fans are DC or PWM controlled?? An easy way to check this is if they have 4 wires they are PWM and if they only have 3 wires then it is DC controlled. You can set the control method in bios and in windows to PWM or DC controlled. Im willing to bet the controller is PWM controlled. Try switching the header you are using to PWM control in Bios and you should be able to control the fans at this point. You can even make a custom fan curve if you like.

Upon further research you MUST switch the fan signal to PWM in the BIOS ( assuming you are using a Rampage V Extreme? )

Level 7

Level 15
odysseas.nemo wrote:
Hello all,

I am trying to setup the fan controller that came with my case (phanteks enthoo primo), but no matter what configuration I try the fans are always stack to max RPM. I RMA the fan controller, but testing at supplier site showed no problems suggesting my motherboard.

Does any of you guys had any expiriance with it?

For reference, I connect the fan controller to the CPU fan header and power it up over the SATA cable (tried any other header as well with the same results).


Have you changed the CPU Q-Fan Control to PWM Mode in the BIOS?

Level 7
Thank you for your suggestions guys.

I have set PWM at the BIOS and have tested with PWM and DC fans.

odysseas.nemo wrote:
Thank you for your suggestions guys.

I have set PWM at the BIOS and have tested with PWM and DC fans.

- All the fans are still throttling to full speed??

- Can you tell us how many fans are hooked up?

- Have you tried hooking up one fan at a time?

- If the total fans hooked up are equal to 1A or less you can try not pugging in the SATA power connector. The fan headers on the RVE can handle up to 1A.

- Also I know this is quite elementary, but when you change the fan control in BIOS to PWM you are remembering to save and quit?

It may be the case, but if it works with other motherboards from other brands is there a problem with my motherboard fan headers then?
Or is there some obscured bios setting I need to modify?

Level 7
Yes all fans are maxed out.

I would like to control 6 fans in total. For testing I disconnected them all and connected only 1 fan, but that did not work.
In case I remove the SATA cable I don't have enought power to start the fans.

Level 7
I believe that pin 1 on the controller, is set to max all fans. So, do not branch off pin 1.

odysseas.nemo wrote:
Hello all,

I am trying to setup the fan controller that came with my case (phanteks enthoo primo), but no matter what configuration I try the fans are always stack to max RPM. I RMA the fan controller, but testing at supplier site showed no problems suggesting my motherboard.

Does any of you guys had any expiriance with it?

For reference, I connect the fan controller to the CPU fan header and power it up over the SATA cable (tried any other header as well with the same results).


Level 13
odysseas.nemo wrote:
I RMA the fan controller, but testing at supplier site showed no problems suggesting my motherboard.


Doubtful this is an issue with the motherboard. I'm using 2 Swiftech hubs to control 16 fans with no issue. Most likely this is a configuration error or something to do with the trickery that controller uses to allow 3 pin fans to be controlled by PWM.