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Cleaning the G751Jm

Level 7
I purchased my ROG G751JM a few months ago, and it has been a delight to use. It is also quite beautiful. However, fingerprints are starting to accumulate in the black finish, especially on the outside. In addition, I feel like my keyboard is getting slightly sticky from my fingers, although I endeavor to keep my hands clean while using the computer.

How can I clean the keyboard and finish without causing any damage to the computer? I've heard people say that the keyboard cleans easily with water, but I'm a bit worried about that leaking down to the motherboard or somesuch, especially given that I can reach under the keys with a mechanical pencil lead. Will it be safe just to use a wet microfiber cloth if I'm very careful, or is there some better solution? And how can I clean the external finish? A microfiber cloth by itself doesn't seem to work - would it work with water, or would that just leave shiny spots of its own? Or is there some other way I can clean the finish?

Note that I do not need help cleaning the screen. I've found touchscreen wipes and a microfiber cloth work quite well in conjunction.

Level 10
Hello Ah Tarae!

About cleaning the keyboard, I do not think that anyone was actually talking about using water as it is for cleaning the keys. Just using a microfiber cloth, or even a smooth cotton cloth that is a bit wet will do the trick. But, I do recommend a solution made of distilled water and a bit of isopropyl alcohol to clean those interior surfaces. The fact it that normal water has minerals in it that will leave traces on the materials when it is going to dry, and by adding the alcohol you will remove the greasy stains even better. Though even the solution with distilled water and isopropyl alcohol might leave some traces but you should be able to wipe them down easily with another microfiber cloth .
Another recommendation is to make the solution and just try it in a small area to see how it is going to look after. As a proportion you can use 50%-50% alcohol/water or 30%/70% alcohol/water.

As for the outside area... that one is a tricky part and I'm kinda avoiding getting it dirty at all means. You could also try the solution of isopropyl alcohol + distilled water on the exterior and see how it works. Again, try it on a small area in order to be sure that there won't be permanent traces. But, to be honest, the combination can't do any damage since water and alcohol don't actually remain on the surface which you are cleaning.

As I said earlier, after rubbing with a cloth/microfiber cloth that is a bit soaked in isopropyl+distilled water then I recommend waiting for a couple of minutes in order to let the solution fully evaporate and just after that use another microfiber cloth (for this one do no use any ordinary cloth) that is dry and gently clean the area for the remaining traces.

PS: I have seen people trying some screen cleaners for the exterior surface and they said that they actually managed to ruin the cover. This is why I am strongly recommending a test on a small portion.

Level 9
Personally I am using just a DRY microfiber towel... not the one included in the box but the quite bigger: 30cm x 30cm in size.. and it looks like a standard furry towel but is microfiber.
In fact I am using this one:,Sciereczki,z,mikrofibra
I am NOT using any liquids... just this towel and sometimes (happened 2 times) I am just moistening the laptop's surface with my breath. Works perfectly for me but I've never let mine G751 to get too dirty... I am cleaning it this way in daily routine.

Level 7
Yeah, I'd focus on prevention if that was an option. Unfortunately, it isn't because, firstly, its already dirty, and secondly, because I store it in my backpack, which basically means that I have to draw it up by the rubberized portion before I can take hold of the metal.

That said, thanks for the cleaning advice. I've had some degree of success using duct tape to remove the finger prints, but this mainly just makes them less obvious. I will have to try the rubbing alcohol solution out when I have the chance. How do you measure out the portions for the solution? I'd use kitchen measures, but I was under the impression that isopropyl was not something that humans should ever consume.

I'll also try the microfiber cloth solution. My microfiber cloth is more along the lines of what you'd use for glasses, but perhaps it will still work with breath to remove the smudges.

Level 7
I've tried the breath and microfiber cloth solution. Results are best described as inconclusive. I managed to get rid of some of the fingerprints near the vents, but I've had more limited success near the edge of the back of the screen. Perhaps time and patience will make it work. Regardless, I think we can establish that breath plus microfiber is a good place to start for dealing with stains on the rubberized finish.

Level 10
Well, the best solution still is to keep it as clean as you can. I also hate the fact that the surfaces are so delicate and prone to fingerprints and smudges. If i'll find a better solution for cleaning the surfaces be sure that I'll post it over here as many people are struggling with this issue.

As a note, I always try removing the fingerprints/smudges/stains with my breath+microfiber. I either breathe on the spot were I need to clean and then rub with the microfiber, or else I breathe on the microfiber for several times in order to get it a bit wet/warm and then I rub the spot were I want to clean. This will work at a certain level, but usually the spot won't be 100% clean. In order to get it to look as new I have to try other methods... I sometimes use microfiber+distilled water (without alcohol) to remove the smudges and then I rub with another microfiber, in a circular way, in order to remove the traces left by water. Pretty much the same as you do for the display.

Level 7
Why Distilled water? I generally use tap water + rubbing alcohol. I've used this on many devices with zero issues. Has anyone seen actual problems from using tap water instead of distilled? (sorry - I realize this thread is a couple months old)

Level 10
First off alcohol will dry out and remove plasticizers from plastic causing brittleness and damage possibly discoloration over time. Secondly alcohol can break down the adhesive used in the rubber cover on the top and delaminate it. I have seen 2 g751s with the rubber peeling up and both coworkers cleaned with iso alcohol. Thirdly tap water has heavy metals nitrates and minerals that can also damage plastic over time and leave residue but the effect is far less than alcohol. Just go out and buy a $1 smart water, cheap spray bottle and microfiber cloth. Smart water is vapor distilled and if used with a sprayer and microfiber cloth can remove almost anything without risk of damage. Even windex is advisable over alcohol though it can still damage plastics. Or you can always get a decal from aliexpress for $25 USD or $30 if you want a custom print with your own design.
Heres some photos of their work and a link if anyone is interested.
3d printed parts and accessories for the G751. You know you want something better than OEM ->[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]