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Help please problems with my new ASUS ROG G751JY-DH71

Level 7
So I recently purchased a ASUS ROG G751JY-DH71 17.3-inch Gaming Laptop. It will be one week tomorrow.
Specs: 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7 ,24 GB DDR3 , 1024 GB SATA , NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M, Graphics Card Ram Siz 4000 MB,7200 RPM, windows 8.1

The first day during the initial set up it would not connect to to my WiFi and kept saying "taking longer than expected". I skipped the internet set up for now. I removed a program " Asus Gamer First III" restarted it and it connected. I started installing all my steam games, Firefox with noscript, etc. I installed adobe flash via crunchyroll. The video had momentary lag every like ten seconds or so (allowed all on noscript). Worried I tried youtube which ran perfect on 1080p but using HTML5. I downloaded chrome thinking maybe its firefox or noscript at work. I proceeded to try on chrome with the same problem. I uninstalled adobe and re downloaded it. No change.
So I decided to say screw it and try some games, Ark survival evolved upon starting, crashes and I get a Nvidia driver has crashed and recovered prompt. Worried at this point I try again and it works fine. I decide to try Heroes of the storm which sets me on suggested Extreme, Its hovering around 100 -60ish fps most of the time but i get huge fps spikes down to 40 giving me seconds of disrupt then back up. I think maybe the settings are too high so I lower to ultra with the same fps spikes. I decide to try diablo 3 with reaper expansion, base settings are mostly high with a meduim or two. running around 135 fps with huge spikes to about 80.
So basically I am at the point where I am going to be calling asus support and amazon tomorrow. Is my computer not able to handle this settings or is something wrong? For the amount it costs I feel like there has to be an issue. I have barely used the internet on it so i highly doubt it has any kind of malware.
Suggestions? Should I request a new replacement, send it to asus or what.
Thanks in advance.

Level 14
try whit cabled internet and see if that is bether.

Level 7
Interestingly, I only just got my G751 last Saturday and initially had problems getting it connected to WiFi as it was doing exactly the same as yours, but it eventually started connecting properly and everything seemed to work fine.

And then it started freezing.

To cut a long story short, I ended up reinstalling Windows 8.1 from scratch along with all of the drivers and now it is running 100% better than it was when I first got it. It also means that I know exactly what's on my machine as there's no bloatware or hidden apps that I don't want. I wouldn't go as far as saying that you should give this a go too, but it may be worth considering if you're having problems.
Asus ROG G751JT-T7115H
17.3" IPS, Intel i7-4720HQ, 16Gb RAM, NVidia GeForce GTX970m, 256Gb M.2 SSD + 1Tb SSHD