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Bios 1601

Level 7
Hey guys, just wanted to point out that a new BIOS version is out.

Notes are as per the usual: "Improves System Stability"

Level 7

it works fine for me.


Level 7
Nice, I am just about to flash to it as well. Any changes noticed thus far?

Level 9
Works fine for me to no problem at all

Level 9
i just flashed from 1502 to 1601 and it works good. i dont see/notice any changes.

Level 7
Garbage BIOS. Went from 1401 to 1601 and couldn't get a POST without using stock settings. Had to go back to 1401 and all is well. Waste of about 2 hours of reboots and changing settings. Many times it would just say "Overclocking F1 blah blah".

dr/owned2 wrote:
Garbage BIOS. Went from 1401 to 1601 and couldn't get a POST without using stock settings. Had to go back to 1401 and all is well. Waste of about 2 hours of reboots and changing settings. Many times it would just say "Overclocking F1 blah blah".

On second thought, my experience with 1601 isn't as great either. I always go with default settings first to see if everything is alright but once I customized my settings the BIOS would freeze up when trying to save and restart with just a black screen and frozen cursor.

The Q-Code is hanging at CE then. Or it would attempt to restart but then hang with Q-Code b1 (b1? I think its not 61, definitely looks more like a b). Sometimes it works out, usually when the board was in a soft-off power state, e.g. one run at default settings, then off/on.

My customized settings are not even overclock related. Both CPU and Memory is running at stock right now. I disable a few onboard devices: audio, usb3 controller, sata express, wifi, bluetooth. I don't need those. I also set the SATA controller to RAID mode and disable CSM for full UEFI mode. That's all my settings, always worked fine. The freezing troubles started with 1502 and got worse with 1601. Performance and stability are great as always, this problem is solely related to the UEFI/BIOS menu.

I will try and see if rolling back to 1401 remedies the issue or change to BIOS 2 and flash that to 1401. My board is great but the UEFI/BIOS has always been somewhat moody.

Franziska wrote:
On second thought, my experience with 1601 isn't as great either. I always go with default settings first to see if everything is alright but once I customized my settings the BIOS would freeze up when trying to save and restart with just a black screen and frozen cursor.

The Q-Code is hanging at CE then. Or it would attempt to restart but then hang with Q-Code b1 (b1? I think its not 61, definitely looks more like a b). Sometimes it works out, usually when the board was in a soft-off power state, e.g. one run at default settings, then off/on.

My customized settings are not even overclock related. Both CPU and Memory is running at stock right now. I disable a few onboard devices: audio, usb3 controller, sata express, wifi, bluetooth. I don't need those. I also set the SATA controller to RAID mode and disable CSM for full UEFI mode. That's all my settings, always worked fine. The freezing troubles started with 1502 and got worse with 1601. Performance and stability are great as always, this problem is solely related to the UEFI/BIOS menu.

I will try and see if rolling back to 1401 remedies the issue or change to BIOS 2 and flash that to 1401. My board is great but the UEFI/BIOS has always been somewhat moody.

What UEFI/BIOS issues are you having? I'm I've gone from out of the box 13xx to 1502 and then 1601 to try to fix some hanging during boot to Win10. I didn't think of going back versions. I've had the machine together for two and a half days and have less than a dozen successful boots.

mikejr83 wrote:
What UEFI/BIOS issues are you having? I'm I've gone from out of the box 13xx to 1502 and then 1601 to try to fix some hanging during boot to Win10. I didn't think of going back versions. I've had the machine together for two and a half days and have less than a dozen successful boots.

check the BIOS fastboot settings, it must be all hard drives not just boot drives or it will hang most of the time.

mikejr83 wrote:
What UEFI/BIOS issues are you having? I'm I've gone from out of the box 13xx to 1502 and then 1601 to try to fix some hanging during boot to Win10. I didn't think of going back versions. I've had the machine together for two and a half days and have less than a dozen successful boots.

GoNz0- wrote:
check the BIOS fastboot settings, it must be all hard drives not just boot drives or it will hang most of the time.

It would freeze up and just hang there on a black screen when hitting F10 to save and exit (like the moment when it goes black and a cursor appears for a second). That usually happened when changing anything related to storage devices. Like changing to RAID mode, also happened all the time when disabling CSM, which also changes the hard drives available for boot.

I'm pretty sure you are right it's something about boot device configuration. I have an Intel 750 PCIe NVMe SSD as system/boot disk and 2 Seagate ES.3 4TB HDD's in a RAID0 array.

Back on 1401, its all great. I'm just gonna leave it like this now. Couldn't be happier with the board otherwise.

Best regards