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Maximus VII Hero MEI (N/A)

Level 7
Hello! There was an unpleasant problem. It does not appear in the Device Manager (Intel MEI). Because of this, I can not use certain programs Asus AI Suite). I tried to install a newer version of the driver, but it has not brought results. The system also reported the wrong platform. I decided to look in the BIOS, can somewhere I accidentally disabled this feature. On the "Main" I noticed that in the row where the written version of the ME is the notation "N / A". Updating the BIOS has not brought results. Firmware Update utility through the MEI "tfpw64" also did not help. Please help. Sorry for my English.
51921 51922

Level 7
Your mobo is broken if 5th gen updater not work on asus maximus hero vii dl its should update me and bios if its no help RMA it or go to store and get new mobo. Other way is usb chip programmer but its needs some work and skills before its flashable. These blue lines make me worry FPT not help you because its have descriptor locked by default.

Unfortunately we did not get back , so as a payment guarantee pokupalat ago and over. Could you tell us more about the USB Chip Programmer.

Do not worry about the blue lines. It is the old problem of the monitor, all right. As I understand it there MEI file firmware BIOS. If so, can I try to roll back the firmware such as version 0609?

Level 7
rollback not reflash ME ony you can do it manualy

Are there any other ways to flash the MEI? After what actions could occur such a problem ?

Level 7
you can try win-raid forum there is ME thread they give you all waht you need
If ME descriptor locked you need use usb chip programmer
Dont waste money for bios chips on net these not work.
1 more way ask new chip from local ASUS repair center or pc repair
ASUS told to me bios and chip not have any warranty they not replace it.
I itself with my board had also bios issue thats wahy i bought usb programmer.
now just everything work great.

Thank you so much detail that explained everything !