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The Best PC Build Teacher for Noobs

Level 11
Carey Holzman is THE BEST teacher (a virtual 'Rosetta Stone') for people just beginning to get into building their own rigs. He does not do water cooling builds, but that is okay for noobs because they need to learn the nuts and bolts of the operation first anyway. In his videos, Carey takes learners though each step in great detail with wonderful closeups--when learning from Carey, there are no misunderstandings.

Also, if you are a veteran builder, you probably will like watching this guy build like master chefs still like to watch cooking shows:

¡¡¡ I__ju$₮__₩₳₦₮__₮☮__₱£₳¥__₮h€__₲₳₥€__₩i₮h☮u₮__i₮__hi₵₵u₱i₦₲,__₱l€₳$€ !!!

Level 15
You should always test your system even if with only the bare minimum before putting it inside your case. Also combining memory kits is a no no and will usually lead to problems. Just some quick observations after skipping through the video. 😛

Level 11
Agreed, but since Carey does not do water cooled builds, it is really not much of a problem for him to take something back out of the case if it does not work. Also, the two kits were ordered together and so they are likely in sequential order and of the same batch when first made. (I ordered an 8 X 8 G.Skill 'Ripjaws 4' Kit and it is a beautiful box of RAM to see them all in there together.)

Again, if you need to know the nuts and bolts of building a PC, learn from Carey first, then you can get more complicated ideas in your head by moving on to watching other people build who will not be as thorough as Carey is with things.
¡¡¡ I__ju$₮__₩₳₦₮__₮☮__₱£₳¥__₮h€__₲₳₥€__₩i₮h☮u₮__i₮__hi₵₵u₱i₦₲,__₱l€₳$€ !!!

Level 15
Testing the system outside the case is a fundamental step any experienced PC builder would perform before putting the PC together. It assures you that everything is working fine. It only takes a few minutes to do and will save you a lot of time later on. Imagine dedicating hours to put your PC together and doing all the cable management only to find that it won't turn on. Since you're putting together a rather complicated watercooling build, you should definatelytest your components outside the case. It is wise to buy a cheap air cooler for the testing.

I don't know if it was mentioned in the video but the first thing I do when I open a motherboard box is examine the CPU socket for any bent or missing pins. Again. It is a major time saver.

Regarding combining memory kits, it doesn't matter if the kits are identical or sequential from the same batch. For example. A kit with consists of 2 modules is binned and tested with those exact 2 modules. So it might not play nice when you combine those 2 modules with another 2 modules since they weren't tested together. There's a reason why the manfacturers themselves don't recommend users to combine kits.

Level 11
Carey said in either Part 2 or 3 that he has built PC's for over 25 years and the last time he had a dead-on-arrival component was years ago when quality control standards at manufacturing companies were not what they are today. I agree with you, but I do not think it is fair of you to dis a great teacher like Carey Holzman out-of-hand, only focusing on a negative aspect about the man, especially when he makes his living at building PC's for other people and is nationally known for it. If it was not for Carey, I would not have the inspiration to spend thousands of dollars and build my own PC.

I am so glad that my 8 X 8 RAM all came together in one kit/box!
¡¡¡ I__ju$₮__₩₳₦₮__₮☮__₱£₳¥__₮h€__₲₳₥€__₩i₮h☮u₮__i₮__hi₵₵u₱i₦₲,__₱l€₳$€ !!!

Level 40
This is going to be pretty much the best channel for noobs on YouTube... Great of JJ to do these...

And yeah, quick test on your mother board box is the way to go...

Level 11
Eleven months ago, when I first started watching Youtube videos on how to build my own PC, JJ was too much for me. JJ seems like a great guy and I like to watch him now, but when I first started, I could not follow along with him at all, for he talked too fast and he used jargon that I did not understand--I spent more time rewinding him and also looking up many of the 'computer words' that he would say (when I could spell them and sometimes I could not make out what he was even saying) than I did watching him.

I finally gave up and had to go watch someone who talked much slower and actually explained everything that he was saying and doing, and that guy was Carey Holzman--THE BEST TEACHER FOR NOOBS. JJ is a good teacher for experienced people, but not noobs. Perhaps you guys do not realize this because you are too used to computer-talk and such, and do not remember the time long ago when, even though you really wanted to learn, you were like a deer staring blank-eyed into the headlights of an oncoming car when people started rattling off computer stuff and you were doing everything you could to keep up.

Do you understand what I am saying?
¡¡¡ I__ju$₮__₩₳₦₮__₮☮__₱£₳¥__₮h€__₲₳₥€__₩i₮h☮u₮__i₮__hi₵₵u₱i₦₲,__₱l€₳$€ !!!

Level 18
... me thinks ye protests to loudly ... With all due respect in respecting your opinion, I wonder what possibly could be the point of trolling this thread unless the point is to move to (part 2 and so on) which is monetized making this spam which I am sure can't possibly be the point. So I am confused by the screams.
JJ is quite simply the very best in the business, fast, slow or in between. Not an opinion, fact.
I found the title to be deceptive, to be kind. A trip to the Mod section will reveal how the masters 'cook' here.
Thank you for bringing this ... I do understand what you are saying ..
I simply didn't, and still don't see the point of screaming 'BEST'.
If I have failed to say so before, Welcome to ROG .c.

Level 11
When I was a complete noob, only 11 months ago, I could not follow along with JJ because he is not a '101 teacher,' he is for graduate students who actually know what he is talking about.

What is the problem here? Can you not understand that JJ makes vids for people who are accustomed to hearing computer jargon, while Carey makes them for COMPLETE NOOBS like I was last Thanksgiving?

What, do you guys have an agenda or something? I am just trying tell people of someone who will teach the absolute basics to them so they can finally later move up and start watching more complicated videos. *sighs*
¡¡¡ I__ju$₮__₩₳₦₮__₮☮__₱£₳¥__₮h€__₲₳₥€__₩i₮h☮u₮__i₮__hi₵₵u₱i₦₲,__₱l€₳$€ !!!