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Rampage V Boot fail Q Code 79

Level 7
I flashed my BIOS to latest version (was having problems with USB 3 ports) the flash itself was successful, however if I power it up from being switched off it boots fine but when I do a reset it hangs with a blank screen and shows 79 on the Q code readout.

I tried switching to BIOS 2 which had a old version and it done the same thing. Also tried redoing the flash using backflash.

Q code 79 is in the manual as CSM initialization, which doesn't really help me much.

Iv disabled fast boot and tried unplugging everything inside, just leaving the boot drive and im not getting anywhere with it. I have a feeling its something in the BIOS not set correctly.

Anyone offer any help or suggestions on this?

Level 9
You've both bios chips corrupted. I had the same issues and I've fixed them using an eeprom programmer, erasing and programming the official asus bios. It's the only way or, as an alternative solution, you could buy two Winbond 25Q128FVIQ chips on online sellers asking to program both of them with the bios version you like.

I have to say it's a common Asus issue and even doing RMA on your motherboard you would not have any guarantee the new mobo will not be affected at all.

If you want to choose the "eeprom programmer" way, I can suggest you the excellent EZP2010 (search for yourself on ebay for example).

Thanks for your reply.

If they both where corrupt in the same way would they just not boot at all? At the minute it boots fine after being powered off, its only if I do a reset the issue occurs.

I havn't flashed the second BIOS just tried to boot using it, is it possible to corrupt it when it wasn't in use?


CSM initialization is found on the boot tab in the bios, check to see what it's set to.

The options are:

Auto - self explanatory

Enabled - This allows you to manually set priorities for different types of devices eg "UEFI first" means that if both are available the UEFI driver will be chosen.

Disabled - This disables CSM entirely with all its functions and runs in UEFI-only mode, this option boots alot faster because it doesn't load or wait for any legacy components. If your graphics card and other expansion cards fully support UEFI, you can disable CSM.

Have you tried a clear CMOS?

List your pc specs for us please.

I never noticed the CSM option in the boot menu!

It was enabled but even when I disable it, it still shows q code 79.

5820K (now stock)
16 GB Gskill ripjaws 2666
ASUS GTX980 Strix
Corsair RM850
OCZ Vertex 3 (os drive)

yes, I have cleared the CMOS using the button on the IO port and the good old fashioned way of removing the battery.

I appreciate your replies as I have been on a few forums about this.

Level 7
To me this sounds like usb problem remove either keyboard or mouse i get the same so i have to unplug my mouse then it boots i got a roccat mouse that
no compliance with usb 3

Level 9
Like I said before, I had the exact issues jmgdotcom posted before and I've fixed this reprogramming the bios chip eeproms.
It's a well-known issue. It regards CMOS corruption when you save & exit or even if you reset mobo after entering the bios setup.
What I've found is that some block regions inside bios are corrupted, 458.000 hex different values compared to the original bios, so there was something wrong. The only valid fixes are :

1) Reprogram bios chips with a SPI Flash Programmer (EZP2010 for example)
2) Order two new bios chips already flashed with the bios version he likes
3) Doing RMA, but noone can say "a priori" if the new mobo will not have the same issues. (as it's very common on Asus Rampage V Extreme mobos).

Iv tried removing the USB devices, and pretty much all other boot options that I can think of.

So as TeddyRaspin has suggested, I have ordered 2 new BIOS chips with both revision 1701 on them.

Level 9
Remember to do Clear CMOS after replacing both chips before power on your PC.

OK will do, thanks

Out of curiosity, if I only put one BIOS chip into the slot that I am using and leave the other one physically empty, will it still boot? (I mean boot as in will it post in to UEFI)