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OC Station with Crosshair IV Formula

Level 7
Hello !

I hope that you can help me :).
I recieved a OC station yesterday.
Installed it etc but the software says that it its isn't compatible.

I installed the lateste bios.
The manual of the Crosshair IV Formula says it has an OC station header.
That sound to me that its the GP connector for the station :P.

As far as i know: the hardware is compatible etc en installed correctly (GP wire and a molex isn't that hard xD)
But what im suppose the problem is, is the OS.
Im using Windows 10.
BUT im unable to find the latest software...
Compatiblity mode doenst help :/.

The support page doenst exist... even when im searching by serial no: it still doenst find anything...

When im searching manually on im able to find it ! But when im click on it i get an error "The URL you are looking for does not exist."

So do you know where i can get the latest software?
of can it be that the manual of the motherboard is lying? that it isn't compatible?.

i like to hear from you.

P.S. i hope you are able to understand it 😛

Level 18
cypressNL, Welcome to ROG.
Which OC station did you recieve ? I don't believe the current generation supports the CrossHairs.
What is in the book is about the original model. ...
current :

chrsplmr wrote:
cypressNL, Welcome to ROG.
Which OC station did you recieve ? I don't believe the current generation supports the CrossHairs.
What is in the book is about the original model. ...
current : [IMG][IMG]

I got the original one.
the current one is sold as OC panel if im right :P.

Level 14
OC Panel is a great idea but an awful implementation. It's useless as any sort of overclocking tool, it's somewhat useful as an (inaccurate) hardware monitor.

From what I understand, Front Base was a dismal failure. Everything it was supposed to add (like HD audio, USB3 ports, more fan headers) turned out to be nonfunctional, inferior, or problematic.

Asus really dropped the ball on these attempts. I hope this new version offers more than just a fancy knob.
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others." - Douglas Adams


Korth wrote:
OC Panel is a great idea but an awful implementation. It's useless as any sort of overclocking tool, it's somewhat useful as an (inaccurate) hardware monitor.

From what I understand, Front Base was a dismal failure. Everything it was supposed to add (like HD audio, USB3 ports, more fan headers) turned out to be nonfunctional, inferior, or problematic.

Asus really dropped the ball on these attempts. I hope this new version offers more than just a fancy knob.

Mmmm oke,
Als far As i know is the front base and oc panel not supported 😛
I got the oc station more for a gadget look a like 😛 bought it for 20 euro 😛
But i want it to work for a Little bit 😛 so it Will look like something 😛 i now get a message that i need to update the bios and install the latest software 😕 wich i cannot find 😞

sure if the basics work 😛 im gonna try it out xD for the full package 😛

mmmm just tried the oc panel software... just to testing purpose 😛
but just as i thought it didnt work xD.
the oc panel software is also a pain in the *** to get 😕


Level 7
Just recieved the lateste driver from asus support.
But those doenst support windows 10 😕
Does someone know a possible solution ?
(i know one xD going back to windows 7 xD i want to use this as last resort option)

Level 7
bump 🙂

Level 7
Bump ^^