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Installing Windows 10 PRO - The Easy Guide

Level 8
Hello Folks,

this Guide so far is based on the G752VY-GC264T and should work for all models of the G752VY or even G752's in general (feedback appreciated)..

First off this is a guide for people who are not too well versed in PC technology, but need (for whatever company reason windows PRO).

Please follow the steps listed beneath, but also be mindful of the following YOU will lose all the great software that is pre-installed (such as drivers, software and bloatware).

ASUS is helpful in this and have a folder called 'eSupport' on their main drive which contains most software used to set up anew the computer.

So lets get started:

Download from Microsoft the Media Creation Tool (use google or this ) and run it.

Make sure that an USB Stick with ~16 Gb is plugged into your computer.
Choose "Create installation media for another PC".
Select 'ISO'. Choose preferred language.
Select as Edition "Windows 10" (This is contains "Home" and "PRO"). Create the ISO.

Download the windows USB stick creation tool RUFUS. Either google or or follow this direct link
Start the Program. Select the USB device. There should be not data on the USB device as you WILL lose all data on the stick.
Select 'GPT' for Partition scheme and target system type, this is important.
Select the the windows ISO and Start.
It Should look like this:


If you encounter Issues they might stem from an active Anti-Virus Program, shortly disabling it might help. I had to as AVIRA did not like the creation of the 'Autostart'-file of the windows installer.

After Creating the USB-Windows Installer, open the USB Stick in windows explorer, and copy the 'eSupport' folder to it.

Alternatively, if you have already deleted the 'eSupport' folder or can not find it, re download all drivers from the Asus homepage, unzip them and copy them onto the USB stick into a new folder.

Make sure you know where the IRST (Intel Rapid Store Technology) Driver is located this will become important later.

Create a '.txt' file, this is usually done with the windows program 'Notepad'. Name the file 'PID.txt' and save it on the USB stick in the folder 'sources'. This file basically contains your windows key, and the installer will refer to this key rather than the UEFI / BIOS key. The PID.txt file should contain the following:

Please make sure to replace the x'es with your proper windows key.

It should look like this :

Create another file as in step 6, but name this one EI.txt. Also save it into the 'sources' folder of your windows installation usb stick. It should contain the following:

Please note that if you have a retail key, then type 'RETAIL' instead of 'OEM', and should you be in possession of a volume license key then replace the value '0' with '1'.

After creating and saving the file comes very important step. Rename the file 'EI.txt' into 'EI.cfg'. Please make sure that you actually rename it and not simply change the name into 'EI.cfg.txt'. If you are unsure please google:'show ending of known file types'.

It should look like this:

The EI.cfg, is an instruction for the installer which version to install, together with the valid key in the PID.txt it will install the (in this case) Windows PRO OEM version regardless of Bios and Uefi keys.

Shut down the Computer.

Press and hold the 'F2'-key, restart the computer. The BIOS should open, you can now let go of the 'F2'-key.

Go to the 'Security'-Tab.
There should be the option '> Secure Boot menu' open it by hitting Enter.

Set 'Secure Boot Control' to [Disabled].

Press "F10" and "Yes" - Save configuration and Exit.

The computer will automatically restart. Please Shut the Computer down again.

Press and Hold the "Esc"-key. At some point and Option should be given. Select UEFI:[your usb medium). Be sure that you selected UEFI.

The normal Windows installation Process should start. Meaning you select system language and keyboard language.

You should arrive at the Select Drive to Install windows to. Most likely you will not see your SSD Disk. Please select load Driver. Browse for your IRST driver in the eSupport folder of your Drive, load the folder. Please note the Asus might have a folder within a folder within a folder, simply select the last folder.

After selecting the folder you will see a driver. Click 'next', the driver will now be installed.

You should now see the Drive.

Either install windows now on the correct partition or (this is in accordance to Gps3dx's guide) delete all partitions and then select the main drive and click next. Windows will automatically install the correct Drives and Partitions and start installing Windows. To ensure windows installs the correct partition it was necessary to start the installer form 'UEFI:[Your USB medium]' .
As always using Custom settings instead of Express Installation is advised. The settings are self-explanatory in what they do, deselecting all is preferred by this author.

Windows PRO has been installed. "Hello" - "We're happy your here" - "The Odysee has come to an end".

TROUBLESHOOT SECTION: (Issues the Author himself has come across)
Formerly known BLUESCREEN Fatal Error - Currently known as the nice smiley face

Solutions to the below will be added later.



3. BLUESCREEN during step 16. Loading the IRST Driver

Level 14 if you have useful input it should be to that sticky thread.
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Level 13
Does he have to? I love reading the detailed info in Gps3dx's guides, the format really does give me a headache though (100% serious). I actually C&P the posts to notepad or word to read them.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Well It might be difficult getting the mods to post a 2nd Sticky thread on installation, this was the reason for my reply suggestion.
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Level 10
ASUS irst one doesn't work --> bluescreen. Have to download the intel one (flpy64)

Level 7
I do not know why the author makes it so complicated, I just did it last weekend

Download from Microsoft the Media Creation Tool (use google or this ) and run it.

2. create a bootable USB with Microsoft Media Creation Tool
Choose "Create installation media for another PC".
Select 'ISO'. Choose preferred language.
Select as Edition "Windows 10" (This is contains "Home" and "PRO"). Create the ISO.

3. boot the computer from USB and install Windows 10 as instructed on screen

4. the windows is automatically activated and done

cdma2k wrote:

2. create a bootable USB with Microsoft Media Creation Tool
Choose "Create installation media for another PC".
Select 'ISO'. Choose preferred language.
Select as Edition "Windows 10" (This is contains "Home" and "PRO"). Create the ISO.

Does the Media Creation Tool place the ISO onto the USB and make it bootable or does that
require another software?

- no other software needed
- clean installation of win 10 from win 8
- less than 15 mins
- my laptop is listed as unsupported for Win 10 upgrade by manufacturer

Unsupported only means the manufacture is not going to test and approve hardware drivers for your model. In most cases working drivers can be found and installed its just that you are on your own to find and test them. Or be satisfied with the default Windows drivers!!
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Level 7
hello im a bit confused with the steps 2 & 3 , in step 2 i will insert a usb stick wherein it will be used for the os to be placed and on step 3 you will insert another usb stick for the rufus? sory im noob for this thing..

i also got a asus g752vy and i want it to have a clean install because the last update for the nvidia geforce(june 7,2016 update) ruined my system and remove almost all the drivers in my system.