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G550 laptop and flashing battery indicator after heavy games

Level 7
Hello, I have about 2-3 years old g550jk laptop and it has something in battery.

It works just fine, except if I play some heavy game like wow legion alpha or fallout 4, because after those games, my battery led is just flashing and its status is "xx% available (plugged in, not charging)" And that % number never chance after that, its stay on one number were you charging or not.

I can still use it, but sooner or later it will crash because low battery, mostly at night when its on standby without power.

and after that, led is not blinking and it will charge normally.

Other option is to do bios update, that removes battery blinking as well and charging continues.

Blinking is about 1,5-2 blinks per second, and it is on if computer is powered or not, running or standby. only complete shutdown removes blinking (until I restart, of course)

Computer is:
g550jk, 15" i7 4710HQ, 750GB hybrid disc
installed windows 10, that blinking newer happened in W7, but that might be just a luck. and I don't think it started right after that.

Somehow it doesn't seem to be battery problem, because why would battery refuse charging before it has emptied completely? Tho, I hope its just battery, that's easy to replace and computer is still somewhat good

Level 13
Its normal for the battery to discharge somewhat during intensive applications whether it be games or not. When the brick cannot supply 100% of the needed power it draws that energy from the batteries.
Its also normal that is you do this for extended periods of time and the battery and machine becomes hot for it to not charge due to thermal limitations and resume normal operation after it cools down.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Well, yeah... but is it normal that computer wont recharge battery at all after heavy games? Led just blink for ever. First time I look that blinking about 2 weeks. (that means laptop is using power for running, otherwise it wouldn't run that long)

Today I had to let computer on bios screen till it shutdowns it self, after that it starts recharge. (Like I say at earlier post) and so disappeared that annoying blinking.

btw, reason I left it on bios is that it wont lost any data from HDD, but if you let computer reboot on windows running, you might lose something.

Level 13
Does it do this when you don't use resource intensive applications?

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Nope, every time some game has triggered it. Heat maybe?

and some ½h -1h gaming doesn't seem to trigger it.

Level 13
Im sure its heat related as to why it wont charge. Question is why it wont iniate a charge after it cools down.
Are you set for fast boot?
If so then that could be the culprit as all it does is save the current kernal and drivers to hiberfil.sys file then reload them which puts you right back to where you were and does not do a full shut down.
Nest time shut it down, then hold the power button down until you see the leds flash and the light on the power button go out. Then initiate a boot normally by just a momentary push of the power button.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Level 7
i think battery is near dead... please look at wear level
at the moment when blinking begin there is no charging and sometimes the battery is empty but the icon still show fully charged or so!
only thing i can do is hard reset,blinking ends and battery begin charging.
its all only temporally because after hours the blink begin again and so on! :confused:

Well, my battery reports tell me stuff like: I have no Idea what that does mean ;D

and about that 'hard reset' how you do it? Or is it same that you just let it go empty.

zaleo wrote:
Well, my battery reports tell me stuff like: I have no Idea what that does mean ;D

and about that 'hard reset' how you do it? Or is it same that you just let it go empty.

You battery report looks fine. If it was about shot you would never get to 100% charge.

Did you try what I posted above with holding down the power button until all the lights flash and the power LED on the button goes out followed by a normal momentary depression of the power button and booting as normal?

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Yeah, pressing power button worked. Good, now I don't have to do complete discharge if I want to be sure that battery is charging.

But question is... how to check is it faulty battery or computer? 'C41-N550' battery isn't that cheap to buy just for testing 😛