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Driver Issues with GL502VM

Level 7

So I bought a GL502VM and I am loving my new laptop, I came across a couple small nags with it after installing 2 SSDs that I already owned into the laptop I used the website to download the drivers as I expected that to be the best course of action, it actually turns out that if you plug the old HDD in via a caddy there is an installer package for the laptop on there.

I was wondering if this is the case on all laptops that asus produce and that theres a package is this a known factor in the asus build image process? ( that i didnt know?)

I also took a copy and stuck it on my onedrive account incase I need it again so if anyone needs it can post a link

The model below incase its of use to anyone.
Asus ROG Strix GL502VM-DB71-HID1 15.6" G-SYNC i7-6700HQ 2.6-3.5GHz (FHD/1060 6G/1T HDD/16G RAM)