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Asus rog PG279Q or PG348Q - Which one?

Level 8
Hello there awesome ROG folks!

I am planning on getting myself a new screen soon, probably at a month or two.

So faar the competition is between Asus rog PG279Q or PG348Q. - And I thought what better place to ask, then here. After all, this is where probably the most owners of these two are.

My current screen is a Alienware Optx AW2310 23" Wide TFT 120Hz Black.

So faar I can't really decied since I am usually the one to go for the 120Hz + gaming experience. But after a few reviews and a friend buying the screen, I am getting more and more sold on the PG348Q experience.

I plan on gaming Witcher 3 - Fallout 4 - Skyrim - Warhammer Total War - Battlefield 1 - All those Arkham Batman games - And many other demanding games.

In general the big RPG action titles.

I like to play FPS alot too "But I am not a counter-strike player, more a Battlefield or such kind of guy", or co-op games and MMORPGS. - But WoW doesn't really require that much.

I am not really sure which of those two monitors would provide me the best gaming experience. I heard rumors the PG279Q had alot of faults, which saddenst me since I was going with that at first, but now I am second guessing. - I found the PG348Q at a pretty nice price too, so money isn't an objection here, and also haven't heard any bad stories/reviews about it.

With that said! Hope you guys can help me out here in a pinch! - Here is som links below to provide som infomation about the two monitors. - Review and display of the screen. - PG384q - Review and display. - pg279q - And last, a video of both of the monitors side by side.


My current build:

Monitor: Alienware Optx AW2310 23" Wide TFT 120Hz Black.

CPU: 5960X

Cooler: Corsair 110i GTX

PSU: Corsair AXi Series AX1500i 80+ Titanium

GPU: Sli 980ti Strix.

Mob: Asus Rampage V Extreme/3.1 USB.

Ram: HyperX Predator 32GB 3000Mhz

System: Samsung pro 1TB

Storage: Western Digital Black 4TB

Drive: Asus Blueray/DvD

Case: NZXT 820 Phantom.

Cablemod "Red and Black"

Level 9
Some FPS averages for you at ultra wide. Looks like the frame rates wont be hitting 100 for your ultra wide on the higher graphic intense games. I like the higher refresh rate personally.

FPS 3440x1440 with a 980ti averages

Witcher 3 Ultra : 48
Witcher 3 medium: 65
Fallout 4 ultra: 60

using a GTX 1080
Witcher 3 ultra: 75

at 2160 x 1440p I could see getting 60fps or more on Witcher 3. Just look up youtube videos of performance tests with your exact card on your favorite games. See what you prefer. I'll rolling with a MSI1080 and the pg279q hitting 110-165 FPS on Gears 4 ultra everything depending on the map. Campaign is generally around 90-100. Never had a 980ti.
I7-4790k OC 4.9 1.375v
MSI Gaming X GTX 1080 OC core:2055Mhz Mem:5504Mhz

If you like what I post, hit that Rep button.
If i'm posting here it's only because I'm at work and have nothing better to do other than solve your problems.

Level 8
I got two Strix 980ti in sli, so I am not sure those numbers match my performance.

Haven't figured out which of the two is for me, normally I like really like the refresh rate, but I heard some troubles with the pg279q, and som downsides. But I haven't concluded anything yet.

Heard so many good experiences with both too, but I haven't heard any downsides with PG348Q, beside that it lacks 120Hz, and that is demanding on the GPU.

I am mostly seeking personal experience, by people and how they would rate both of em, or if they had both of em.

Thanks for replying too! I looked up some FPS and I think I may be lying around 70-90 FPS in Witcher 3 Ultra, with my specs. - Atleast so it seemse.

i have the PG348Q
amazing for the witcher 3 "with ultra wide mod"
i have one titan x "maxwell" 40 fps all ultra "hairworks geralt only" but no problems with g-sync
battlefield hardline 90 fps all ultra
battlefront " " " "
you need a deep desk 84x31cm
buy it and you will not regret

Level 8
I got a very deep disk lucky!

Thank you for the replay! I think my fps would be around 70-80 or so then. Seeing I got two 980ti and some good grad gear 🙂

Is those 40 fps give flow problems/refresh problems within the game?

Greenfeuer wrote:
I got a very deep disk lucky!

Thank you for the replay! I think my fps would be around 70-80 or so then. Seeing I got two 980ti and some good grad gear 🙂

Is those 40 fps give flow problems/refresh problems within the game?

no,no problems with the witcher at 40 fps,you play in relax with controller,gsync..or remove hairworks for 15 fps more..
PG348Q is a great monitor !!
4k ultrawide too demanding ..
watch the new PG27UQ

Level 8 - Saw this post from asus - But I think I am gonna need a upgrade if ever hope to use the first Ultra-wide 4K 144Hz screen.

I have the PG279Q and I love it. I play games ranging from fighting games and FPS. Never disappointed and the 165Hz is nice.

cljustin wrote:
I have the PG279Q and I love it. I play games ranging from fighting games and FPS. Never disappointed and the 165Hz is nice.

Yea Same here. Though Argueing 165hz over 60hz of a standard display is obvious. I think 100hz vs 165hz is way less of a difference. also when using the ultra wide resolution you get a great FOV. the only downside is that with the higher resolution you need to make sure you are actually getting that full 100hz potential. if you only get 60-70 then you can argue why do i have an ultra wide that goes up to 100hz when i only get 70fps. Based on what the OP is using for the setup though, If they get 80 fps on the ultra wide. its probably going to be about 110-120fps at standard 1440p. so is the ultra wide worth the 40 fps loss to the buyer for the extra screen space?
I7-4790k OC 4.9 1.375v
MSI Gaming X GTX 1080 OC core:2055Mhz Mem:5504Mhz

If you like what I post, hit that Rep button.
If i'm posting here it's only because I'm at work and have nothing better to do other than solve your problems.

Level 7
With 980ti sli you will do a lot better than single 1080 so you could go for pg348q.