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[Strix raid dlx] DRM issue (netflix and stuff) and mic volume issue

Level 7

I have the Asus Strix raid DLX for one year now, and i have 2 issues since the beginning...
Why i can't read drm content like netflix on edge / windows 10 app ?
for the moment i have a script who enable/disable the DisableProtectedAudioDG parameter to switch between DRM content OR driver features. To be honest I don't have to do that, for a card at this range of price there is a problem don't you think ? 😕
I read on other sites that a WHQL driver could be the solution for this problem that everybody have..
And I have a second problem, my Microphone volume goes over 90 sometimes and I don't know really why (applications i guess....) is it possible to "lock" it ? because over 90 it activate amplificator and my teamates are raging against me every time like i flood the channel ! 😞 It is very annoying.

Thank you to read this, I hope developpers can see my post and can make something.

EDIT : i have installed the last BETA driver (cortana fix, 1.1.10) and it seem to have fixed the drm issue (or a windows update, i don't have tested minutes before install driver..). now i can watch netflix content in my app without switching DisableProtectedAudioDG. there is only the microphone issue left !


EDIT 2 : more precisions : the microphone issue occurs randomly on skype, for example, or when i stream over nvidia to a friend (the new feature when you send a link to let him play in chrome). When i launch counter strike source / global offensive too. like the application override my settings. My friends don't have this issue on their computers. maybe it could help.

Level 8
This bug is present on strix cards, like seriously?

I have new bugs (1.1.10) :
- I have only left speaker working (tested with smartphone, no problem with the speakers), in my headset it's ok
- my microphone goes to 81 volume, I need to set it to 90 everytime now....
- When playing a game like witcher 3, or anything, my teamates heard crackings
- ... please do something

I found a solution for all the issues I reported.
I have unplugged my asus strix raid dlx from my motherboard, and then, I plugged a creative soundblaster sound card.
The driver seems cheaper but works fine. For the moment my solution seems to work, I don't have any trouble.
