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Asus PG279Q blue dot lines "artifact" corruption on certain color ranges

Level 7
So I was playing Tales of Berseria last night, been playing it for hours and hours each day and suddenly I got blue pixels all over the skin on a certain character and some other places. At first I thought it was my GPU dying but after some troubleshooting I concluded that it was the PG279Q causing the problem.

- Appeared in several games and heaven benchmark.
- Continued to happen after a computer restart.
- Continued to happen after a quick monitor on and off toggle.
- Does not appear on screenshots.
- Moving a window that is affected to another monitor causes the issue to disappear.

Some pictures I took with my phone from heaven.

Asus monitor blue dot artifacts, look for blue short vertical lines across the sky:

Dell monitor, just moved the window across and suddenly no issues, moving back causes it to happen again.

The same corruption also happened in several places in windows like the horizontal scrollbar and selection row of the task manager so it wasn't limited to windows being rendered by the gpu.

I finally decided to pull the plug on the monitor to clear all volatile memory and it fixed the issue but this monitor is starting to annoy me.... first the vertical line moving itself to the edges of the monitor and now there's color corruption =/

Any ideas on the cause of this?

Level 7
Gonna give this question on more try with a bump, would be nice if someone else has had the same issue happen.

Level 9
I didn't answer the first time I saw this because I haven't had this issue.

Things I would try before giving Asus support a call would be

1. Change port on your GPU to the monitor. just switch to a different port on the GPU and see if it works. if no more issue, Probably a GPU issue.
2. Change your cable. Make sure you got a good cable.
3. switch to HDMI. If you already performed step 1 and 2, still had the issue, AND this fixes it. this could point to the monitors Display port(or whatever port you were using), or the GPU as cause.
4. Change resolution in the NVidia settings. This could narrow it down to a issue with a driver or settings.

5. run Memtest64 and verify your computers memory doesn't blow up.
I have seen some weird issues caused by a bad RAM stick. Like hearing my mouse move through my speakers.
I7-4790k OC 4.9 1.375v
MSI Gaming X GTX 1080 OC core:2055Mhz Mem:5504Mhz

If you like what I post, hit that Rep button.
If i'm posting here it's only because I'm at work and have nothing better to do other than solve your problems.

I did start games in fullscreen and move the heaven benchmark around on all 3 of my monitors and only the ASUS had this color corruption. Rebooting the entire computer didn't do anything, neither did power on and off the monitor with the power button.

It finally fixed itself when I cut the power to the monitor so I couldn't really test the cables at that point. At least it has only happened this one time so far and if it happens again I'll probably try to get some warranty on it. Never seen this kind of weird corruption ever before, it was literally like a certain color range had turned into that blue color, it was over the whole monitor as well and not localized to any spot.

Ram is fine, I recently ran a test over night due to some other issues I've had but that came back clean.

Net Qvist wrote:
I did start games in fullscreen and move the heaven benchmark around on all 3 of my monitors and only the ASUS had this color corruption. Rebooting the entire computer didn't do anything, neither did power on and off the monitor with the power button.

It finally fixed itself when I cut the power to the monitor so I couldn't really test the cables at that point. At least it has only happened this one time so far and if it happens again I'll probably try to get some warranty on it. Never seen this kind of weird corruption ever before, it was literally like a certain color range had turned into that blue color, it was over the whole monitor as well and not localized to any spot.

Ram is fine, I recently ran a test over night due to some other issues I've had but that came back clean.

It does seem like a monitor issue. I would still double check cables and possible the port on the GPU by switching ports to the monitor. since you fixed it by unplugging the monitor though it seems like you will need an RMA if it keeps happening.
I7-4790k OC 4.9 1.375v
MSI Gaming X GTX 1080 OC core:2055Mhz Mem:5504Mhz

If you like what I post, hit that Rep button.
If i'm posting here it's only because I'm at work and have nothing better to do other than solve your problems.