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G751jy - power/charging issues

Level 7
I"ve got a G751 that's less than a year and a half old.

For the past month or so, it has been sporadically losing power during use. This seems particularly true during times of higher GPU usage.

For a while wiggling the cord would return power. Then it got to the point where power would flicker in and out. Then it wouldn't draw power if a GPU-intensive program was in the foreground.

It is now at the point where the computer will not draw power at all, save when it is turned off. Meaning that I can use the laptop for only about 90-120 minutes (the life of the battery) before I have to power down and wait for it to recharge again.

And, sometimes, when I plug in the power at that point, it doesn't even recharge. I have to try several times before it begins to draw power and recharge the battery. Took me a dozen tries the other night.

I changed brands from Dell to Asus because of Dell's horrible overpriced badly designed power cables/blocks and lousy power jacks. I'm ready to do so again.

First, though, I'd like to try to fix the G751. So ... two questions:

(1) Is this problem likely to be on the dc board? ... I've enough tech savvy to put a new one in, but I don't want to do so if that's not likely to be the problem.

(2) Just how close a match does the chip have to be. I've found a whole lot of dc board chips on ebay and elsewhere for various flavors of the G750-G752 family, but very few to match my exact specs (which is the 60NB06M0-dc1050) ... I've found a dc1020 version ... and I've found a 'G0' version of the -dc1050. Not knowing exactly what all those numbers mean, I don't know how to evaluate when sellers claim it's compatible with a G751jy ... or even how close is close enough.


Level 7
I have exactly same problem on G751JY ... Did you resovled it?

Level 13
Every G751jy charging issue ive seen ended up being the battery. There is no DC board in these machines. A lithium balancing charger is built into the mother board and the brick just provides DC in.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Can that battery be replaced? It started happening all of sudden, after year of using it. Now I am having strange things happen, like I stress test it wih prime and furmark, and on first furmark test it started showing like On Battery, than after sec Plugged and doing that like few times. Like I am unpluggin power. Prime test went without problems. Than I tried RealBench Stress, and as soon it starts it shows same, On Battery / Plugged notes, for a few times. Also after using CPU Burn from Furmark, for more than 5 min, I got several glitches while doing test, machine freeze for a sec .... Not sure what is going on now. CPU Temp goes up to 94degrees, after more than 20 min of stress test.

Level 10
I recently experienced a charging issue on my G751JY notebook where the charge kept dropping off
& not recharging despite always being plugged in. At first I thought it was a bad battery. Turns out it
was a problem w/ my USB Razor Death Adder Chroma mouse had bad wiring (my cats chewed on it, lol)
causing the issue. As soon as I removed the faulty USB mouse the notebook charged back to 100% and
has been holding btw. 96-100% charge ever since.

Level 10
I recently experienced a charging issue on my G751JY notebook where the charge kept dropping off
& not recharging despite always being plugged in. At first I thought it was a bad battery. Turns out it
was a problem w/ my USB Razor Death Adder Chroma mouse had bad wiring (my cats chewed on it, lol)
causing the issue. As soon as I removed the faulty USB mouse the notebook charged back to 100% and
has been holding btw. 96-100% charge ever since.

I think it is hardware issue for me. On load, while rendering with Blender, it is freezing for a few sec, eventually Blender will crash, even temp does not go over 90C ... Best thing is that warranty expired 2.5 months ago .... this is second Asus laptop I purchased, and I paid this one a lot. First one was 3-4x at service due power jack constantly breaking on board. And now this. And 2 days ago I purchased 1080Ti Asus, I hope that one will not behave like these ... but definitely that is last thing I purchased from Asus. Pretty disappointed.

I'am sure you have a broken dc connector on your board due to bad procedure of inserting and removing your ac adapter. Based on my experience, you have to gently insert or remove the ac adapter with rotating movement when you charge or discharge this laptop, not with straight forward-backward movement because that way you could damage or break something inside ac or dc connector, but yeah it seems to be a precaution only, not a fix.

Kebanyakan dari pengguna furniture tentu tahu yang namanya kursi tamu. Media ini memang kerap dijadikan sarana pelengkap sebagai perangkat untuk membuat nyaman para pengunjung ataupun pelanggan di berbagai tempat. Bagi Anda yang mungkin pernah mengunjungi sebuah rumah sakit ataupun instansi lain mungkin pernah melihat bahwa terdapat kursi tunggu di setiap sudut atau sisi ruang dimana hal ini diperuntukkan untuk keperluan administrasi perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Pada dasarnya memang hal seperti ini tergolong sebagai sebuah fenomena umum karena memang sudah sepatutnya bagi setiap departemen kesehatan untuk memberikan pelayanan maksimal agar para pasien yang dirawat beserta orang-orang yang berkunjung merasa betah dan nyaman. Terlepas dari semua itu, pada dasarnya memang sarana pendukung seperti kursi tamu ini dapat dikatakan bukan hanya sekedar kebutuhan pelengkap semata dimana keberadaannya bukan hanya untuk memoles tampilan interior dan eksterior ruangan, tetapi juga untuk menunjang aspek kenyamanan individu-individu di dalamnya.

Mungkin sebelumnya kita sempat menyangka bahwa kebutuhan furniture seperti kursi tamu di beberapa kesempatan tidak terlalu penting yang disebabkan oleh minimnya kesadaran kita dalam bersikap lebih ramah kepada para pengunjung yang datang. Tetapi biarpun begitu, bukan berarti para pemilik perusahaan lantas lebih memprioritaskan pengadaan sarana dan prasarana pelengkap daripada yang bersifat vital, seperti pengadaan kursi dan meja kantor, lemari pengarsipan, dan sebagainya. Meski banyak dari mereka yang saat ini sudah mengambil kebijakan yang tepat dan membangun akan tetapi mayoritas para stakeholder masih menginginkan adanya suatu jaminan strategis agar kondisi neraca keuangan perusahaan mereka senantiasa dalam keadaan surplus setiap tahun. Semua ini tentu kembali lagi kepada paradigma masing-masing individu yang bersangkutan dan sudah sewajarnya memang dalam hal ini stakeholder dari bisnis jual kursi ruang tunggu menginginkan sesuatu yang lebih baik bagi perusahaan ketimbang harus dihadapkan pada pada situasi sulit yang dapat menguras sumber daya yang ada.