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StriX X99 Water Pump header failing on Fan profiles

Level 7
Dear ROG community,

I have an issue on the ROG StriX X99 board, not able to control the pomp header by UEFI or Windows tools, i need to set it to 100% to let the Pomp doing it's job, but still that software is setting that pomp on 70% all the time, my pomp is not able to run on 70%. When ever i shut all fans down, it runs stable in idle on only one intake fan and pomp running 100%. Pomp, Cooler Master all in one solution on 3 pin DC, all fans on PWM. Why is that UEFI still trying to run that pomp on 70%, how can you let it be 100% in all profiles?

Pomp Seidon Cooler Master
Board StriX X99
Strix 1080
Runs stable for 1 year now, no temp issues at all, only if i can set that pomp to 100% all the time, now i have to to that manually all the time when it's making weird sound trying to run it on 70% or less power!

Level 7
Make sure you have the pump on the right header, it needs to go on the CPU header.

Also maybe update your bios.

But most kits come with software and a driver for the pump, but your pump should be fine and your CPU at less than 100% flow on variable flow rate, unless you have a low volume rate pump, which comes on many kits.

It sounds like you have the pump connector in the wrong place. While you can use it on a CHA_FAN header and then set the Q-fan control to 'Full Speed' or disable it in the advanced BIOS section, you already have a ready made header for 12v pumps that has limited other purpose if not used that way.

In the top left corner of the mainboard is your W_Pump header. By default, this is set to apply a 100%/12v signal at all times and is immune to profile changes in AI Suite. For the Seidon that needs separate power for both pump and fans, you want the pump on W_Pump and then can use the fans on CPU and it's mirror OPT. You can take the fan splitter off as OPT will copy whatever CPU_FAN does and you don't need the extension. You don't want to put the fans on CPU and the pump on OPT or vice versa. You will get slow pump speeds or max speed fans all the time.