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G751JY Battery Issue

Level 7
Hello guys,

I have an ASUS ROG G751JY which I purchased in 2015 and I am having an issue with my battery where it always stuck at "0% and Charging" even after leaving it like that for 4 to 6 hours if it manages to stay on. But many time the laptop turns off or goes to sleep after staying on for few seconds while it's plugged in. And this is a problem because I can't even do anything without the risk of it turning off randomly. Now I don't know exactly what happened because I was out of country for about a month. I read up on the internet that these Lithium-Ion batteries kill themselves for security measures if it's drained down to 0% and stays that way for more that 3 weeks or so. I don't know how true this information is but if that's the case then this sucks because I treat my laptop with care and don't even play games that often but now this.

Anyways I called up ASUS tech support and we tried troubleshooting the issue with a hard reset but as mentioned before the laptop wouldn't stay on. Another thing I noticed during the troubleshooting is that the battery light was flickering orange to green. But it doesn't do that right now and the laptop was on so I don't even know what's going on any more. But the battery still doesn't charge. I was advised by the ASUS rep to send in the laptop for diagnostics but I read up somewhere on the internet that if I go through the repair with Asus they can charge me $600 for battery replacement which is ridiculous. I also read something where people said if you take out the battery and put it back inside then there is a chance that it can resolve the issue. However, it's a very complicated procedure to open up this laptop and I don't even have the necessary tools for it.

So I am really stuck right now. I tried doing this "Go into the Device Manager, Expand the Batteries group, Right click on the Microsoft ACPI-Compliant...Method Battery, select uninstall and after it uninstalls, click on the Action tab, select scan for Hardware Changes." since it was suggested in one of the forums but it didn't help. Now I am planning to buy a battery from and just go for a replacement with a local computer repair store but it says the battery is only 88Wh and I read that the Asus Rog battery is 90Wh. But my concern is will it work like the previous battery without any issues?

I also asked one of guy at a random repair store and he said something completely different. He said he ran into this issue many times and it is related with the motherboard as it's probably bent or something due to excess gaming and even if he repairs it there is no guarantee that it will work and I would have to get it repaired by ASUS for a permanent solution. I was like I don't even game that much so like WTF?

Do you guys have any suggestions? Have any of ran into the same issue and found a working solutions. I have been without this laptop for 2 weeks as I don't know what to do. But one thing is for sure that I am never buying a freaking gaming laptop ever again of any brand and least of all ASUS.

Any help regarding this issue will be appreciated thanks.

Status Under Review

I stopped reading at your first paragraph since I'm certain I know what to do! ;U (I am replying ASAP for your convenience, DW I'll read. ;3 )

You are correct, batteries, the Lithium ones have a chip on them. When they're depleted to 0 and left too long, the trigger in this chip will say the battery is dead, and will refuse charge.

Can it be fixed? Nnnooooooo.... YES! With a little science. ;d

V = I / R

Which means.. Volts equals Current over Resistance.

Why is this relevant? Here's the trick..

These three things with power are wondrous and magic.. and the key thing to look at is resistance. When Resistance is introduced to Heat.. Resistance will begin to rise. When Resistance rises, and is multiplied with Current.. the Voltage increases.. INSIDE THE BATTERY! 😄

So because the chip on the battery will no longer accept charge.. thinking the battery is dead, if you heat the battery up, which will increase the Resistance, then will increase the Voltage, you will TRICK the chip into thinking the battery is alive again! IT'S ALIIIIVE!!

So what do you do..?

IF you're out of warranty.. pull the laptop apart, find the battery.. if you can unplug it, good. Then, use a hair dryer and heat it up to say.. 45*C? 50? . Do not get it too hot or it'll of course.. do bad things... like.. explode. :f

When hot enough, (not too hot to touch) insert it back into the laptop as soon as possible and charge it.

You will have fixed your battery.

Have I done this? Yes. But not on a laptop, on an iPhone I have though, and it worked.

Don't let the battery ever die again, they should never drop below 20% and if they do, you charge instantly.. and after doing this exercise.. never use your laptop off wall charger.

P.S. the reason your compy keeps turning off is because it needs the battery's power too to supply the unit with enough power to run. ;x

Darnassus wrote:

I stopped reading at your first paragraph since I'm certain I know what to do! ;U (I am replying ASAP for your convenience, DW I'll read. ;3 )

You are correct, batteries, the Lithium ones have a chip on them. When they're depleted to 0 and left too long, the trigger in this chip will say the battery is dead, and will refuse charge.

Can it be fixed? Nnnooooooo.... YES! With a little science. ;d

V = I / R

Which means.. Volts equals Current over Resistance.

Why is this relevant? Here's the trick..

These three things with power are wondrous and magic.. and the key thing to look at is resistance. When Resistance is introduced to Heat.. Resistance will begin to rise. When Resistance rises, and is multiplied with Current.. the Voltage increases.. INSIDE THE BATTERY! 😄

So because the chip on the battery will no longer accept charge.. thinking the battery is dead, if you heat the battery up, which will increase the Resistance, then will increase the Voltage, you will TRICK the chip into thinking the battery is alive again! IT'S ALIIIIVE!!

So what do you do..?

IF you're out of warranty.. pull the laptop apart, find the battery.. if you can unplug it, good. Then, use a hair dryer and heat it up to say.. 45*C? 50? . Do not get it too hot or it'll of course.. do bad things... like.. explode. :f

When hot enough, (not too hot to touch) insert it back into the laptop as soon as possible and charge it.

You will have fixed your battery.

Have I done this? Yes. But not on a laptop, on an iPhone I have though, and it worked.

Don't let the battery ever die again, they should never drop below 20% and if they do, you charge instantly.. and after doing this exercise.. never use your laptop off wall charger.

P.S. the reason your compy keeps turning off is because it needs the battery's power too to supply the unit with enough power to run. ;x

Firstly, thanks for the reply. As I have mentioned before that even opening an ASUS ROG is a complicated process for me and for some of the repair store technicians I had spoken to so I don't want to take that risk where I have to heat the battery and put it back in without certainty since this is a $2500 laptop. But since you have an idea about batteries I wanted to know if a 90Wh battery can be replaced with a 88Wh battery without any problem?

Well now I am certain that I'm never buying a gaming laptop ever again! It's like now I have to take this big ass laptop with me every time I travel. I mean what's the freaking point if you have to keep it plugged in like a desktop thanks to those lithium-ion batteries that are good for nothing other than being suicidal.

I also had this kind of problem previously regarding the battery issue on my G751JY. The problem was just the same as you said above where my laptop kept turning off randomly either on heavy load or light usage while charging. Then I noticed that my battery kept staying at certain percentage like 8% or alike while charging and couldn't go higher than that. At that point of course I realized that it was the time for replacing the battery although I had just used this laptop for about 1 year from the first time I bought it. But fortunately, before buying a new battery I managed to find the solution to solve my issue, I used windows 10 and all I had to do was just setting up the power management feature correctly on it. Then in pluggin mode I set to "do nothing" to all the options related to battery management setting and yeah from that time I haven't seen my laptop turning off or staying to sleep randomly in all conditons of my daily usage. For me it's pointless to replace the battery because I put the laptop in my room all the time and no need to go outside bringing this laptop for mobile usage elsewhere. Until I write this, my battery has been completely worn where it drops down to 0% and it has been like this for more than a year and a half now but I still notice that it runs in "plugged in, charging" mode while I know that the battery can't be charged anymore.

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