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Flashback problems with Maximus vii Hero

Level 7
Hi everyone,
My computer wouldn't POST 2 days ago so I started dismantling it thinking something had become dislodged when I noticed that there was this flashing blue light on the back of it. Turns out that the Flashback button for updating the bios is continuously pulsing as if it's expecting a usbkey with an updated bios on it.
So did a little research and figured I'd try to update the bios. Followed steps on asus' website about it and the usbkey I have has a light on it telling you when it's reading or writing, so it starts flashing like it's being read from. The flashback pulsing increases speed but neither the usbkey or flashback button stop.

I'm running windows 10 and trying to get the latest bios for said system to flash but still nothing is working.
I also noticed that the is a small green LED under the pciex that is flashing and the ambient lights for the mobo are pulsing or staying on. The pc will still not POST, no fans turn on, not even the powersupply. But no matter what I do the usbkey and flashback will also pulse/flash. And before anyone says let it do it's thing, I left it yesterday for the whole day, from 8 am to 8pm and came home and found it in the same state - flashback pulsing, usbkey flashing as if being read from.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi yesthisbig

Welcome to the ROG forum.

The flashing should get faster then stop and takes about 90 seconds, it seems there may be an issue with power to the board since you say the psu isn't starting.

What code is the Q-Code giving you ?

Please list your complete pc specs.