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AC5300 woes

Level 7
I just bought a RT-AC5300 in Singapore as a tourist, when i came back to my country all was working fine until i tried to connect my printer using WPS. since then the router started shutting off wifi. I did few factory resets, re uploading of most current firmware. but always the same, sometimes the router wouldn't boot until i reset NVRAM and in the end wifi doesn't work.

Do you have any advise for me? since i am not in Singapore now RMA will be a problem.


Level 13
what does the system log say about that?
log into your router -> System log -> General log -> maybe copy paste it here?
no siggy, saw stuff that made me sad.

Level 7
after a day with the power off (cable out) it managed to do the wizard with the wifi on.... when wizard was done the wifi went back off... i will try getting the log after another reset once i get less emo about this router lol

Level 7
I managed to get my router back to life. but the 2.4ghz band doesn't work (not broadcasting and led is dark). i tried changing settings in the 2.4ghz tab, but nothing helps... the 2.4ghz remains without mac address and chan't choose a channel.

in wireless log 2.4ghz doesn't appear, here is a general log after a fresh reboot:

Level 13
disclaimer: i maybe way in over my head about this. the initial reason i asked was because i kind-of experience some problems with my own RT-AC87U router. it's an inferior model to yours, yes; i initially thought the firmware should be similar enough (since in practical business sense, having firmwares being too different from each other across different models cost too much money), so maybe i could use my log and compare it with yours to give some hints on what's happening on both our routers.

i opened both your syslog and mine side by side:
i have a wireless printer too, an epson LX 365 which is connected wirelessly to the RT-AC87U. what's different from yours is that when i first set it up, it was through a USB connection. several steps into the epson wizard, and i get the window to enter the wifi-ssid and password. this is when i know the printer would remember the ssid internally after the setup is done. plugged out the usb, turned the printer back on, tried wireless printing, everything worked (and still works) fine.

i avoided using WPS whenever i could, due to my inherent and perhaps irrational fear about that feature.

like you, i had problems with my own ASUS router prior to firmware update. it manifested when the router nagged me to update firmware. it was working flawlessly before, no matter how much load was thrown into it (4 people using it at any given time, along with their devices) . currently it's on firmware <- this firmware caused me some annoying inconveniences: abrupt restarts, killing all connections along with it. i had to wait for it to reboot for the network to re-establish itself.

i'm not a coder by any means, but... wthell, i thought. if we're gonna get ASUS to do anything, then i figured i better do the legwork than just entirely relying on them to fix this PoS (Piece of S***). some things i noticed between both our logs:
- when both our routers starts failing, this line keeps popping out:
amnon23e's router wrote:

Aug 1 00:00:37 ntp: start NTP update
Oct 6 02:06:28 rc_service: ntp 876:notify_rc restart_upnp
Oct 6 02:06:28 miniupnpd[874]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Oct 6 02:06:29 miniupnpd[892]: version 1.9 started
... (took liberty to omit the rest of the logs)

but notice one thing, your router started its restart on 02:06:28, and from the log, i presume it finished shortly afterwards.
Oct 6, 05:16:10 -> 05:22:32 ----> it starts ****ting out tons of texts, most of which i have no idea what that means. but i know this line when i see it
"Oct 6 05:22:32 rc_service: httpd 2650:notify_rc restart_wireless"

when this line comes out on syslog, say bye bye to your wireless connection. then more kernel DROP happens (i have no idea what this is), until i suspect the router forced a restart.
Oct 6 05:24:17 rc_service: httpd 2650:notify_rc reboot
Oct 6 05:24:18 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Oct 6 05:24:18 FTP Server: daemon is stoped
Oct 6 05:24:18 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Oct 6 05:24:18 kernel: gro disabled
Oct 6 05:24:18 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Oct 6 05:24:18 WEBDAV Server: daemon is stoped
Oct 6 05:24:18 NAT Tunnel: AAE Service is stopped
Oct 6 05:24:18 NAT Tunnel: AAE Service is stopped
Aug 1 03:00:13 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.17.4 <- and back it goes to Aug 1. i use this as my own router's bookmark. when i see the dreaded Aug 1, i know this piece of crap restarted itself.

the next thing i noticed was: your log timestamps was much longer than mine for every restart. the errors present in your router are worse than mine. my router could go back and re-enable wireless and wired if i waited long enough, but yours seem stuck with all the errors, and then it tried to restart itself again. this went on until Oct 6 05:51:56. look at your own log -> rc_service: wpsaide 534:notify_rc start_wps_method. looking at it, and by pure guessing, it seemingly tells me that it tried to restart WPS over and over and over but failed and tried and failed and tried and failed and tried till it gave up and it just attempted to restart everything at Oct 6 06:25:21 rc_service: httpd 548:notify_rc reboot.

this vicious cycle kept going on and on and on 😕

i guess, just as a temporary measure. disable WPS entirely, and factory reset again with just one computer connected to it. see if that makes anything better, look at the log for any irregularities.
no siggy, saw stuff that made me sad.

haihane wrote:
i avoided using WPS whenever i could, due to my inherent and perhaps irrational fear about that feature.

Hey, you're way more fearless than me. My irrational fear doesn't get as far as WPS because it's still rejecting the whole premise of "security" and "wireless network" being compatible concepts.
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others." - Douglas Adams


Korth wrote:
Hey, you're way more fearless than me. My irrational fear doesn't get as far as WPS because it's still rejecting the whole premise of "security" and "wireless network" being compatible concepts.

That will get better as AD becomes mainstream. Not because of any security protocols but simply because you pretty much must maintain line of sight and no pesky obstructions like say.....A WALL! :cool:

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein