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Strix Wireless - Buzzing noise when plugged in

Level 7
There's a really annoying buzzing noise coming from the left ear all the time.
If I turn my head a specific direction it cuts out, but only in that specific position.
The buzzing is appearing as soon as the red light on the wireless module starts lighting up.
When I plug it in the USB port, there's no issue, it's only as soon as the light is lit which I reckon is when it's connected to the headset.

The buzzing seems less intense if I plug it into my USB3.0 hub instead of directly into the pc, but it's still there.
I reckon this must a software issue since the buzzing is only active when connected to the wireless module.

I'm running Win7 x64

I want this resolved please. Expensive headphones shouldn't have issues like this.

Level 7
Hello Flagstang
Have you tried plugging to a different USB port or different computer?
if the issue persist, I would suggest to RMA your unit. Thank you

Level 7
I tried different USB ports and an external USB hub.
I don't have another computer so I can't try that.
The computer is properly grounded.
The issue is only present when I plug the wireless dongle in, wait a bit for the light to turn red, and boom, static noise.
I think it might be a software issue.

Community Admin
Community Admin
Hi Flagstang,

ROG Strix Wireless has a 'battery low' warning sound. Can you check if the power button is flashing blue? Please charge the headset for a while and try again.
FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

I purchased Strix Wireless headset today and it also has that buzzing when my head is not in certain direction. In one direction, it doesn't buzz but when in other direction the buzz from left speaker is awful. I also tried my laptop and it just keeps giving that static noise. Analog cables don't give buzzing noise but it's wireless headset and I want to use it wirelessly.

Level 13
The fact that the buzzing changes with direction screams of EMI. If it was a constant no matter how you head is turned, thats another story and could be something different. Are you using anything else wireless? BT devices? Logitech unifying receiver with mouse or keyboard?
Do you have a cell phone in the proximity?
Wireless landline?
What type of monitor are you using? some emit noise.

EMI can be a PITA to eliminate but it can be done, just have to find what it is that is causing it. Top two contenders are cell phones and wireless landlines. Even a PC wireless N.
Anything that uses the 2.4GHz frequency band, which is a butt load of stuff!!

One final thing to eliminate is 60Hz hum. Is your machine and electrical distribution in your dwelling or office properly grounded? The head turning thing kind of rules this out but its a strong possibility for constant hum both wired and wireless.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

JustinThyme wrote:
The fact that the buzzing changes with direction screams of EMI. If it was a constant no matter how you head is turned, thats another story and could be something different. Are you using anything else wireless? BT devices? Logitech unifying receiver with mouse or keyboard?
Do you have a cell phone in the proximity?
Wireless landline?
What type of monitor are you using? some emit noise.

EMI can be a PITA to eliminate but it can be done, just have to find what it is that is causing it. Top two contenders are cell phones and wireless landlines. Even a PC wireless N.
Anything that uses the 2.4GHz frequency band, which is a butt load of stuff!!

One final thing to eliminate is 60Hz hum. Is your machine and electrical distribution in your dwelling or office properly grounded? The head turning thing kind of rules this out but its a strong possibility for constant hum both wired and wireless.

I tried disabling my ASUS router and put my cell phone in airplane mode. Noise stops at certain angle to the dongle and moving my laptop or changing USB slot changes the angle that there is no noise. I bought the headset at local store and I think it was returned once because the packacing seemed to be opened once before getting to me. I'm returning it tomorrow for replacement as I think the headset/dongle is faulty.

I tried troubleshooting by turning off every electronic appliance and unplugging them, but just with my laptop with dongle in and outdoors the noise stayed unless the headset was in certain angle to dongle.

Im having the same issue, did you ever found out a reason or fix or did you just return them?