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strix z370-h and 8700k overclocking

Level 7
hello there

i bought an i5 8400 cpu and strix z370-h motherboard today .. i thought in a couple of years i could replace the cpu and get 8700k and overclock the hell out of it

so i stumpled upon youtube video mentioning there is an error with LLC function in asus motherboards and you are aware of the problem

i googled and found a thread here talking about the issue .. firstly you admitted nothing wrong then you said you are working on a fix then the fix was published as a bios update 419 then people discovered the update is for certain models only not all then admin stated that some models like the strix z370-h are low end and shall not recieve an update concerning this issue

well i may understand that you limit this fix to certain geners under your motherboards line up .. but what i cannot understand that you discriminate between same motherboards in same line up .. you fix strix z370-f and z370-e but not the z370-h variant ?!!!!!

when i bought the z370-h it was the only variant here in egypt and when i checked for differences on your website i found non other than wifi and color and led lightening .. so i knew for sure that these same boards use same design andmay be the h variant is for regional differences or whatever

now i discovered from your admins answers on the other thread that the z370-h is a low end mother board compared to the rest of the line up and no updates will follow for the LLC issue fix and that it is within normal margin for low end mobo

so i feel kind of decieved ?!!!! i am a faithfull asus user for like 20 years and plus .. the past 20 years i never heard of a low end mobo term for the asus line up .. all mobos to me was like high end with excellent components and the only variants are the options and looks and specs but not the quality

i bought this mother board intending to buy 8700k in the near future and overclock it with perfect results .. i even stayed away from the prime z370p and the tuf models and thought this one is the rog strix intended for gamers and overclocking top of the line

and i refuse to settle with the term low mobo or impacted performance in the future where the return period will not be valid anymore .. with the same amount of money i can buy a msi or gigabyte high end mobo with no issues at all and superb over clocking abilities

you dont offer non workable options on a motherboard then you stat it is fine as this mobo is a low end .. to me i bought it with certain intention and you failed to deliver and did not stat that on your website

but still i prefer asus so would like to know if you are intending to produce a fix for this mobo or i have to send it back for a refund

Level 7
can anyone spot the difference across these boards in overclocking system ?! this the info i relied on to buy the mother board

check the screenshots .. i expect mine z370h to have the same overclocking ability mentioned on your website similar to other sibilings of the lineup

mustafa811 wrote:
can anyone spot the difference across these boards in overclocking system ?! this the info i relied on to buy the mother board

check the screenshots .. i expect mine z370h to have the same overclocking ability mentioned on your website similar to other sibilings of the lineup

The VRM solutions are different between these boards, which is why there is a difference in cost. The LLC on the cheaper models is set to keep overshoot within bounds and is not related to 5-Way Optimization.

Raja@ASUS wrote:
The VRM solutions are different between these boards, which is why there is a difference in cost. The LLC on the cheaper models is set to keep overshoot within bounds and is not related to 5-Way Optimization.

and where is this info or data exactly written on your website ?!!!! so i should predict before i buy the mobo that it won't overclock efficientally ?!! could you please refer this issue to an upper authority .. i need official confirmation that the z370h my model won't be fixed

mustafa811 wrote:
and where is this info or data exactly written on your website ?!!!! so i should predict before i buy the mobo that it won't overclock efficientally ?!! could you please refer this issue to an upper authority .. i need official confirmation that the z370h my model won't be fixed

The phase counts for motherboards don't get advertised in this way. Cheaper boards often use different components. The boards don't need a "fix" because their LLC is set so that it compliments the power components.

Raja@ASUS wrote:
The phase counts for motherboards don't get advertised in this way. Cheaper boards often use different components. The boards don't need a "fix" because their LLC is set so that it compliments the power components.

Perhaps they should, because I would have spent the extra $100 or more on a better board from ASUS..
Now, as it stands, I'll be looking to get a refund on this board to go back to MSI.
I work in retail selling significantly more expensive products and what you are doing could be viewed as misleading and/or false advertising.
ROG Strix anything should not be considered "low-end", it's like a low-end Lexus.. It doesn't make sense..

PopQuizz wrote:
Perhaps they should, because I would have spent the extra $100 or more on a better board from ASUS..
Now, as it stands, I'll be looking to get a refund on this board to go back to MSI.
I work in retail selling significantly more expensive products and what you are doing could be viewed as misleading and/or false advertising.
ROG Strix anything should not be considered "low-end", it's like a low-end Lexus.. It doesn't make sense..

You pay less, you get less. I think it's simple.

Raja@ASUS wrote:
You pay less, you get less. I think it's simple.

As someone who is in sales I couldn't agree more, which is why I didn't expect RGB or WiFi, as I was told I wouldn't be getting those,
However how was I to guess I would get a wholly inferior product?
"Guess" being the operative word as there is no information available on your site that would indicate it would be the case.
Maybe a "Not suitable for those wishing to overclock beyond 4.7GHz" label would be suitable, and should be "simple" enough for ASUS to work out.
As it is, you get customer's like myself that has spent quite a lot of money on products from your company (1080 ROG STRIX, ROG Swift Monitor to name a couple) in the last two years now switching to a company that is a little more professional.

PopQuizz wrote:
As someone who is in sales I couldn't agree more, which is why I didn't expect RGB or WiFi, as I was told I wouldn't be getting those,
However how was I to guess I would get a wholly inferior product?
"Guess" being the operative word as there is no information available on your site that would indicate it would be the case.
Maybe a "Not suitable for those wishing to overclock beyond 4.7GHz" label would be suitable, and should be "simple" enough for ASUS to work out.
As it is, you get customer's like myself that has spent quite a lot of money on products from your company (1080 ROG STRIX, ROG Swift Monitor to name a couple) in the last two years now switching to a company that is a little more professional.

You can still overclock the boards past 5GHz, so this would not be accurate info. Vdroop is there to ensure overshoot stays within spec.

Level 7
you can't refund the board and buy a new one? :confused:
i have this: bla bla bla rog this rog that heh