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G750 jh dead. power block light goes off if plugged.

Level 7
Went black in the middle of the game (on the table). Tried to restart and after some seconds died completely. No lights, no nothing. Never dropped or damaged. Didn't install any hardware lately. Power adapter shows 19,56v and drops to 0,2 v if plugged to computer. Powerjack seems to seats properly (opened key board and lifted powerswitch plate but not MB yet) Any ideas what it is wrong?

Level 9
Some shortcut. -> power brick light goes off when there is a shortcut.
To be 100% sure it is NOT power brick.. Try power brick at different laptop, try different powerbrick.
Then try to remove battery and test if you can use only power brick... if yes -> you have shortcut inside the battery... If still no go, shortcut can be anywhere inside the laptop.

Level 7
numanRC wrote:
Went black in the middle of the game (on the table). Tried to restart and after some seconds died completely. No lights, no nothing. Never dropped or damaged. Didn't install any hardware lately. Power adapter shows 19,56v and drops to 0,2 v if plugged to computer. Powerjack seems to seats properly (opened key board and lifted powerswitch plate but not MB yet) Any ideas what it is wrong?

im pretty sure your GPU is dead..just remove it and your laptop wll turn on again (but without display) as i have experienced this on my asus g73jh and alienware m17x r4