全面升級你的 RX 光軸鍵盤
ROG PBT 二色成型 RX 鍵帽採用頂級 PBT 材質,提供獨特的質感及長期的耐用性,前衛的 ROG 字體以及半透明表面處理展現風格獨特的燈光效果。是時候採用 ROG PBT 二色成型 RX 鍵帽,主宰遊戲戰場了!
ROG PBT Doubleshot Keycap Set for ROG RX Switches
ROG PBT 二色成型 RX 鍵帽採用頂級 PBT 材質,提供獨特的質感及長期的耐用性,前衛的 ROG 字體以及半透明表面處理展現風格獨特的燈光效果。是時候採用 ROG PBT 二色成型 RX 鍵帽,主宰遊戲戰場了!
ROG PBT RX 鍵帽以高質量 PBT 材質打造,提供紮實的鍵擊感與耐用性。絕佳的表面處理可避免鍵帽長期使用而打油磨損。
精密的二色成型製程帶來半透明的鍵帽,與無縫的 ROG 字體呈現獨特的外觀,使鍵盤展現一致的燈光效果與鮮明的 ROG 風格。
ROG PBT 二色成型 RX 鍵帽相容於任何搭載 ROG RX 光軸的鍵盤。我們甚至在包裝中附上 ROG 拔鍵器,讓玩家輕鬆拆卸與安裝。
ROG Falchion NX 65% wireless mechanical gaming keyboard with 68 keys, wireless Aura Sync lighting, interactive touch panel, keyboard cover case, ROG NX switches, and up to 450-hour battery life
ROG Strix Flare II 機械式電競鍵盤具備 8000 Hz 輪詢率、ROG NX 機械軸、金屬媒體控制鍵以及可拆式腕托
ROG Strix Scope RX TKL Wireless Deluxe gaming keyboard for FPS gamers, with tri-mode connectivity, ROG RX Optical Mechanical Switches, wide Ctrl key, PBT keycaps, Aura Sync RGB, magnetic wrist rest, and alloy top plate.
ROG Strix Scope NX RGB Wireless Deluxe 機械式電競鍵盤,具備三模連線功能、ROG NX 機械紅軸 / 青軸 / 茶軸、PBT 鍵帽、鋁合金上蓋、磁吸式腕托以及可提升 FPS 精準度的加寬版 Ctrl 鍵
ROG Strix Scope RX EVA Edition optical RGB gaming keyboard for FPS gamers, with EVA-inspired design, ROG RX optical mechanical switches, all-round Aura Sync RGB illumination, IP57 waterproof and dust resistance, USB 2.0 passthrough, and alloy top plate
ROG Falchion Ace 65% 輕巧電競鍵盤具備ROG NX 機械軸,ROG 鍵軸穩定器、吸音泡綿、互動式觸控板、雙 Type-C 連接埠、三種鍵盤傾斜角度,以及保護蓋
ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless gaming keyboard with tri-mode connection, streamer hotkeys, multifunction controls, hot-swappable pre-lubed ROG NX Snow & Storm mechanical switches, ROG keyboard stabilizers, PBT doubleshot keycaps and silicone dampening foam, three tilt angles, and wrist rest
ROG Strix Scope II 電競鍵盤具備預潤 ROG NX 機械軸、消音矽膠墊、PBT 二色成型鍵帽、直播快捷鍵、多功能控制鍵、三種傾斜角度及手托
ROG Eye USB 攝影機支援 Full HD 1080p 60fps 串流、臉部自動曝光技術以及波束賦形麥克風,提供高品質影像與音訊
ROG Eye S USB 攝影機支援 Full HD 60fps 串流,具備 AI 降噪麥克風提升串流音訊品質,精巧可折疊的設計更便於攜帶以及安裝在任何筆電上
擁有 22 升大容量,主夾層以拉鍊區隔設計,保護隨行物品
Archer Weekender 17 主打 32 公升大容量,主隔層以拉鍊區隔,確保包內物品安全。
ROG Flow Sleeve (2022) - Designed to take your computer equipment with you with 3-way carry and water-repellent.
The ROG Sackpack is a heavy-duty duffel bag that’s crafted from a mix of strong, durable and water-repellent 500D and 1680D polyester fabrics – and with a breathable mesh weave on the back to keep you cool when carrying. It boasts a barrel-shaped design to maximize the interior space that makes it ideal for all sorts of gear, so you can pack anything from your apparel to sports equipment.
The robust ROG Herculx EVA-02 Edition securely fortifies even the most powerful cards, plus offers an easy-to-use design and extensive compatibility.