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    Highy Recommended

    ...the ASUS heatsink achieves the lowest temperatures out of all RTX 3060 Ti cards reviewed today.

    GERMANY 12/01/2020
  • Cowcotland

    Gold Medal

    We award this TUF Gaming RTX 3060 Ti OC a Gold Award, for it is a great gamer graphics card, with real capabilities in ray tracing and DLSS.

    FRANCE 12/01/2020

    Editor's Choice

    ...55 degrees is really insanely low, and the card is almost inaudible at 33.6 decibels at 50 centimeters.

    NETHERLANDS 01/19/2021
  • Guru3d

    Top Pick

    Overall this is a solid performing product that will please the masses.

    NETHERLANDS 12/01/2020
  • Teckknow

    Teckknow Editors Choice

    ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 3060 Ti OC is one of the best mainstream cards we have seen in the past few generations packing terrific performance impressive build quality, superb thermals with the near-silent operation, premium features like dual-BIOS makes the ideal no-compromise graphics card that will surely last you for years which exactly a mid-range GPU buyer wants, we are giving it our Editor’s Choice Award and highly recommend if you’re looking for a mid-range GPU built like a flagship.

    INDIA 04/23/2021
  • NewEsc España


    Looking forward to lowering its price

    SPAIN 02/12/2022
  • Profesional Review


    Asus' best performance model for the mid / high range. A graphics card that inherits much of what its older sisters offer, such as the triple fan heatsink, its design and the build quality.

    SPAIN 12/03/2020


    This is the best video card!

    JAPAN 03/29/2021

Video Reviews

  • ASUS ROG Strix RTX 3060Ti menjadi salah satu pilihan VGA yang menurut gw sangat menarik, membawa performa Ray Tracing yang bisa dibilang sangat baik di harganya menjadikan buat kalian yang ingin upgrade dari VGA non RTX dan RTX 3060Ti ini lah yang sangat masuk akal dalam segi performanya.

  • ROG STRIX GeForce RTX 3060 Ti vs 4K Gaming - RATA Kanan?

  • RTX 3060Ti. - 1080p Rata Kanan

  • Rakitan PC terbaru kami, bisa ideal banget buat content creator yang lagu butuh PC Editing handal antara performa, estetikanya dapet, dan banyak hal positifnya. Jadi, ini bisa jadi referensi lainnya yang bisa kalian pertimbangin saat berencana akan ngebangun PC, walaupun budget komponen bisa disesuain budget sih. Cek selengkapnya di video ini!

  • Rakit PC Gaming Mini-ITX 2021 I Feat ASUS ROG Z11, RTX 3060 Ti & Z590-i Gaming WiFi

  • Aku Cinta Valorant dan GeForce RTX 3060 Ti

  • AUTO WIN KALO PAKE ROG Strix GeForce RTX™️ 3060 Ti OC Edition

  • This graphics card is an excellent surprise ! [...] silent and fresh.

  • Designally, with the RGB LEDs on the top, the ROG Strix series came with a really beautiful design.

  • The cooling point in particular was at an enormous level. It never exceeded 59-60 degrees and the fans were pretty quiet.

Media Reviews

  • Di live malam ini, kami bersama dengan ASUS dan NVIDIA akan membahas/mengupas tuntas performa ASUS GeForce RTX 30 Series untuk gamer, streamer, dan content creator.

    Jagat Review

    INDONESIA 12/12/2020
  • ASUS delivers the best package because of the extra BIOS, the extra connections for fans and the build quality and finish.

    Computer! Totaal

    NETHERLANDS 06/14/2021
  • 新一代的 ROG Strix 顯示卡令人眼睛一亮,相比 TUF 系列與前代設計,有著面積更大的側面燈條與霸氣逼人的金屬稜角元素,筆者尤其中意將燈效從側邊燈條「借」到正面風扇的巧思。讓一開始先入為主「正面沒燈效」的失望到對光芒「若隱若現」的視覺效果吸引,風扇轉動後進一步將燈光給霧化,比起一般 ARGB 風扇的顯卡,更顯清新脫俗。


    TAIWAN 12/01/2020
  • 整體來說 ROG STRIX Geforce RTX 3060Ti O8G GAMING 這張顯示卡的效能真的是非常的不錯,適合預算不多但又希望直接購買到 NVIDIA 最新顯卡相關技術的遊戲玩家或創作者們選購。在透過華碩強悍的設計技術加持之下,讓效能還可以再勇往直前,而溫度控制的部分也是可以讓玩家們放心,輕鬆暢玩各種遊戲。


    TAIWAN 01/05/2021
  • In general, ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 3060 Ti OC leaves only pleasant impressions. The exterior design uses high-quality materials; the model has a simply gorgeous cooling system with a decent margin. As a result, both low temperatures of key elements and quiet operation are provided.


    UKRAINE 03/19/2020