ROG Strix Go

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  • PC AXE

    AXE Platinum

    Finally we have an ASUS AI-Noise Canceling Mic adapter with USB-C on a 3.5mm connection, where it will provide the best possible sound. Because of their performance, both headphones have earned Platinum awards.

    SERBIA 08/25/2020

Video Reviews

  • Finally we have an ASUS AI-Noise Canceling Mic adapter with USB-C on a 3.5mm connection, where it will provide the best possible sound. Because of their performance, both headphones have earned Platinum award.

    Media Reviews

    • 隨著電腦的等級日益提升,玩家不僅僅只是升級主機的硬體配備就夠了,周邊配件的舒適度與優質使用表現也會影響玩家在實際使用上的體驗感,不想配合著手機附件的免費耳機加減用、想要低價入手一款舒適且好用的電競耳機來打Game,那或許可以考慮一下這款ROG Strix Go囉,少了無線、多了更輕鬆負擔的預算,同樣的品質下可以隨時無懼開戰,ROG Strix Go就是讓玩家隨時準備上場,還沒入手的可以趁這一波體驗一下!

      PC DIY!

      TAIWAN 09/14/2020