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ROG Strix Impact III Wireless
ROG Strix Impact III Wireless je ultraľahká kompaktná herná myš s hmotnosťou iba 57 gramov, ktorá je vybavená bezdrôtovými režimami ROG SpeedNova a Bluetooth® s dlhou výdržou batérie. Optický snímač ROG AimPoint ponúka presný tracking a prijímač ROG Omni Receiver umožňuje pripojenie ku klávesnici a myši pomocou jediného hardvérového dongle.
- Optický senzor ROG AimPoint: citlivosť 36 000 dpi s odchýlkou <1 % zaručuje maximálnu presnosť
- Duálne bezdrôtové pripojenie: zapojte sa do hry s ultrarýchlym 2,4 GHz RF pripojením alebo spárujte až 3 zariadenia pomocou režimu Bluetooth®
- Bezdrôtová technológia ROG SpeedNova: nízka latencia, spoľahlivý bezdrôtový výkon 2,4 GHz RF s úžasnou energetickou účinnosťou
- ROG Omni Receiver: pripojte sa bezdrôtovo k viac podporovaným zariadeniam prostredníctvom jediného prijímača
- Ľahká myš pre pravákov aj ľavákov: kompaktné prevedenie s hmotnosťou iba 57 gramov
* bez batérie a prijímača - Zásuvky Push-Fit Switch Socket: keď vymeníte kompatibilné mechanické spínače, môžete upraviť silu kliknutia, a predĺžiť tak životnosť myši
- Spínače ROG Micro Switch: životnosť 70 miliónov kliknutí a kontrolovaný, konzistentný klik
- Vynikajúca výdrž batérie: funguje na batérie typu AA/AAA av režime ROG SpeedNova Wireless vydrží až 450 hodín
- Integrované ovládanie: upravujte často používané nastavenia myši jednoducho stlačením rôznych kombinácií tlačidiel
Video recenzia
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Why buy a ship mouse when you already have a "Flagship" ROG Strix Impact III Wireless for 1 million???
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ROG Strix Impact III Wireless in hand - Genuine reading glasses Compact, highly customizable form
Gaming Mouse for Alums!
This is an ASUS mouse with many good things
Asus knows how to make mice at a SOFT price! Asus ROG Impact 3 Wireless review
Should people over 1 million try the ROG STRIX IMPACT III mouse?? Is the 450H battery true?
Choosing an ASUS mouse such as the ROG Strix Impact III wireless mouse allows for excellent performance on the gaming side. The device is perfect for very fast gaming that requires great responsiveness. In fact, it is a great mouse for professional gamers due to its weight and its being wireless.
There's no risk of running out of battery in this mouse! Opening the battery compartment, I discovered that inside there is a triple A battery contained in a container that turns it into an AA battery, so when you run out of battery in the mouse you either use the triple A or use the classic AA. A truly ingenious solution!
Here we have another review of a mouse, the Asus ROG Strix Impact III Wireless, this gaming mouse has excellent performance and for the right price it is a good buy. I highlight the excellent performance and battery and it is a super light mouse.
It's a cool gaming mouse with a restrained design, but cool ergonomics, extensive customization options, and most importantly, the ability to play wirelessly without any lag.
This is a real gaming device with a moderate price tag. In short, if the shape and characteristics suit you, I can definitely recommend it.
It is a very good gaming wireless mouse that we believe will not disappoint even the most avid gamers because it is light, fast and precise.