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ROG Cetra True Wireless
Düşük gecikmeli kablosuz bağlantı, Aktif Gürültü Önleyici (ANC), kablosuz şarj kutusuyla 27 saatlik pil ömrü, IPX4 suya dayanıklılık ve Armoury Crate aracılığıyla EQ/sanal 7.1 desteği gibi özelliklere sahip ROG Cetra True Wireless oyuncu kulaklığı
- Düşük gecikmeli kablosuz ses: Oyun modu, rekabetçi oyunlar için ses ve görüntü arasında harika bir senkronizasyona sahip.
- Aktif Gürültü Engelleme (ANC): Hibrit ANC teknolojisi, sürükleyici ses deneyimi için kulaklığın içinden ve dışından gelen sesleri belirleyerek filtreler.
- Uzun pil ömrü: Hızlı şarj teknolojisi ile 27 saatlik pil ömrü.
- Kablosuz şarj: Kutu, kablosuz şarj özelliği aracılığıyla şarj edilebilir.
- Dokunmatik kontrol: Basit hızlı dokunmatik kontroller ile seri oyun içi ayarlamalar yapılabiliyor.
- Suya karşı dayanıklı: IPX4 suya karşı dayanıklı yapısı koruma sağlıyor.
Video İncelemeleri
Microphone quality is pretty decent, you’ll probably be using these to talk to your teammates if you’re playing battle royale games and such, so rest assured they can hear you well enough. As for sound quality, it’s actually better than I expected. The 10mm driver inside does a good job of keeping the sound detailed,
Build PC GAMER ROG Full White Powered by ASUS à 5000 €
In this video, I take a look at the best wireless ROG gaming setup! The ROG Cetra True Wireless, ROG Keris Wireless Aimpoint, and the ROG Strix Scope RX TKL Wireless Deluxe
I've never felt comfortable using wireless earphones for gaming as they are known to have some latency issues. However, that has changed with the introduction of the ASUS Cetra True Wireless, a low latency wireless gaming audio solution!
4/5 candies for this excellent set of earphones. At least equal to the much vaunted Apple Airpods for around half the price.
gaming headset with active noise cancellation and great sound quality and volume.
ぽこえふろんに勝てる人は1人もいません【フォートナイト】【ROG Cetra True Wireless】
モンハンサンブレイク直前にすげえイヤホンが送られてきた件【Bluetoothイヤホン】ROG Cetra True Wireless (アールオージーセトラトゥルーワイヤレス)
ワイヤレスゲーミングイヤホンの遅延が超少なくなってた件。FPSゲームも余裕でイケる!【ROG CETRA TRUE WIRELESS】
【原神】とあるゲーム実況者の一日【Genshin Impact】
FPSでも使える遅延が少なすぎるゲーミングイヤホン【ROG CETRA TRUE WIRELESS】【自作PC/ゲーミングPC/デバイス】
TWL Gaming headphones Top 1 ASUS ROG Cetra True Wireless #tainghe #Asus #phongvu
Asus ROG races to make TWS headphones and ends ... | Review Asus Rog Cetra Wireless
Asus Rog Cetra True Wireless - Gaming headphones "full" feature !!
ROG Cetra True Wireless | Best True Wireless Gaming 2022
Review the first True wireless from ROG
Headset ROG Cetra True Wireless with Ai Noise and RGB
Headset ROG Cetra True Wireless with Ai Noise and RGB
The ROG cetra wireless is a very good headset for gaming sessions but also for everyday music listening. Moreover, aesthetically they are very nice and the case is also of quality. Finally, they have the USB C port for fast charging and also the possibility of wireless charging.
A large over-the-head model ASUS ROG DELTA S Wireless and also True Wireless earbuds ASUS ROG CETRA TRUE WIRELESS, which will not get lost even on the street!
Compared to Airpods, they sound worse, but they also cost significantly less. And certainly the quality for the money doesn't mean that they are, say, 3x worse than AirPads. For the price, the utility value of the ROG Cetra TW is very good.
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ASUS ROG Cetra True Wireless, ASUS ROG Raikiri
Rog Cetra Earbuds Yt
Hadvon strong games from Rog Cetra True Wireless
Video review from the channel KonsumerTV
As we have already tested the model in black color, we can say that the scenario is repeated. ROG Cetra True Wireless are excellent and more than excellent.
Because of everything shown, the ROG Cetra True Wireless headphones leave with the AX Advanced Design award.