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We have to firstly say that ROG has done a superb job on the aesthetics with this motherboard, it is definitely up there as one of the most appealing models we’ve seen. It may be adorned in a dark, monochrome theme as many other offerings are, but the design choices on E mark this model out as a step above the rest.
AUSTRALIA 05/18/2021MorePCGamesN
Asus' Z590 motherboard is packed with features, and while it will set you back $300, it is the board we'd buy in this price range.
UNITED KINGDOM 03/04/2024Moregamezoom.net
Buying Recommendation
Great gaming/high-end mainboard with Intel Z590 chipset!
GERMANY 05/12/2021Morehardwareinside.de
It primarily convinces with its lush equipment, such as PCIe 4.0 support, the very good power supply, the many USB ports, a graphics card holder, the four M.2 ports including a clever clamping device and a few more.
GERMANY 04/14/2021Morehardwareinside.de
[The ASUS ROG Strix Z590-E-Gaming-WiFi] convinces mainly with its lush features, such as PCIe 4.0 support, the very good power supply, the many USB ports, a graphics card holder, the four M.2 ports including clever clamping device and some more.
GERMANY 04/13/2021MoreRed Dot
Red Dot Product Design 2021
The winner of the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2021
GERMANY 04/12/2021Morehardware-helden.de
The ASUS ROG Strix Z590-E Gaming WIFI impresses with a very comprehensive feature set, good overclocking characteristics and intelligent problem-solving approaches, such as the practical M2. Q latches, MemTest integration in UEFI and BIOS Flash without the need for the CPU and/or RAM to be installed.
GERMANY 03/02/2021MoreCharlesTech
9 out of 10
The Asus ROG Strix Z590-E Gaming Wi-Fi is a marvel for anyone looking for a reliable motherboard.
FRANCE 12/05/2021More
Video Reviews
Video review from the channel HDTANEL Rate: 9 of 10
A very beautiful motherboard !
... it offers many functionalities to the enthusiasts , good VRMs and a massive heatsink.
AI Overclocking is different from automatic overclocking, [...] I will be very interested in testing this feature with the 14+2 VRM.
My first impression is, I think it's a very nice board...
ROG STRIX Z590-E GAMING WIFI主板开箱!这期视频是真的纯开箱哟。测评的话就等下集啦~ 哎哟~好想测第11代的处理器哦,赶紧来嘛~~
Money can buy you a strong PC, but it can't buy you time to play *sigh* In any case, Christina is here to show off our latest Intel 11th Gen + ROG PC build. Let us know what you think!
I built a PC for our very own local rapper, songwriter, producer @MeerFly! This video is sponsored by Cooler Master, ASUS, V-Color & PCByte Malaysia.
Two is better than one! I've been gaming and producing music on the same PC, that is soooo not good. File berterabur, hahahhahah. If I have a PC just for gaming, and another one just for producing, that'll be great right? Thankfully, I finally managed to build a new PC thanks to ASUS, Cooler Master, Intel, V-Color and PCByte, with the assistance of GT Lim of Ghim Tech. Here's the link for the PC build.
Motherboard ASUS ROG Strix Z590-E Gaming - Cocok Banget Untuk Intel Core i7-11700K
Nyobain Performa Intel Gen-11 i7-11700K Dengan Intel Iris Xe Graphics ft Asus Z590 Plus Wifi
Adu Intel Core i7 11700K VS AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (Ft. ASUS ROG Strix Z590-E Gaming WiFi)
We have a very good looking motherboard decorated in purple on black. It is a high-end model that stands out with its rich input and output ports, number of slots and ports, especially PCI 4 support.
It's a full-fledged motherboard and acceptable for this price category
This motherboard with the 11th generation of processors will fully reveal its potential. for now, we will check the compatibility with the 10th generation.
Great performing board
Better temperature and stability than the more expensive motherboards from competitors, due to the smart design of the heat sink,
A monster by all standards, the best audio experience I've ever had and a unique experience of artificial intelligence features
Video review from the channel TheTanelChannel Rate: 9 of 10
Along with the latest Intel Wi-Fi 6E and PCI Express 4.0 M.2 for super-fast transfer and storage speeds, the Strix Z590-E Gaming WiFi features two-way AI noise cancellation to ensure clear communication in any scenario.
Media Reviews
(10)在超頻方面,Core i9-11900K同樣因為增加了 IHS厚度並降低 CPU die的關係,因此其在超頻及散熱的表現不遜於 Intel Core i9-10900K,再加上核心數比 Core i9-11900K少了 2顆的關係,因此可超性比 Core i9-10900K高,唯因為核心數的不同因此 Core i9-11900K在偏好多核心的應用程式測試上效能肯定低於 Core i9-10900K,在主機板方面 ASUS的表現令人寡目相看,即便是一般等級的 ASUS ROG STRIX Z590-E GAMING WiFi在記憶體表現上也能 DDR4 5333 XMP
TAIWAN 03/30/2021More華碩在主流 ROG Strix 系列中最高階的 ROG Strix Z590-E Gaming WIFI 主機板設計上,確實難免讓人匪夷所思,這次的新晶片組更新,除了 11 代處理器增加了 PCIe 4.0 通道支援之外,另外至 PCH 的通道也加大至 DIM 3.0 x8,更大、更多的通道數意味著可以給到更多的連接埠或功能,但在主流平台就幾乎給好給滿
TAIWAN 03/02/2021More整體來說,華碩這片 ROG STRIX Z590-E GAMING WIFI 主機板功能非常豐富,且該有的最新技術都搭載了,接下來就要等它的效能表現了!帶我們拿到第 11代 Intel Core S-Series 桌上型處理器後,再來為大家做更進一步地介紹囉~
TAIWAN 02/08/2021MoreROG STRIX Z590-E GAMING WIFI 擁有 14 + 2 + 1 數位供電、完整的 PCIe 4.0 支援、4 組 M.2 插槽、雙 2.5G 有線網路、強大的主機板護甲散熱器,加上ROG 全新設計的干擾藝術設計搭配未來感十足的整體風格,毋庸置疑是一張 ROG STRIX 系列的旗艦主機板!如果有加入實體電源開關就完美了。近年來許多不同的設計理念出現在 ROG STRIX 系列主機板,慢慢走出與 ROG 純血系列的差異,像是以電馭粉點綴就能帶出一些俏皮與柔性感,推薦給預算不夠買高階 ROG 主機板,但又很愛 ROG 的玩家,ROG STRIX Z590-E GAMING WIFI 是一張從裡到外無懈可擊的主機板!
TAIWAN 04/08/2021MoreThe company's mainstream ROG STRIX series is especially popular among gamers. This product, equipped with the latest Z590, has two PCI Express 4.0 compliant x16 slots and two M.2 slots that support 4.0 and two that support 3.0, giving it very high expansion performance.
JAPAN 03/29/2021MoreASUS ROG STRIX Z590-E GAMING review: more honorable performance than usual
JAPAN 04/22/2021MoreMotherboard Z590 terbaru siap menanti, dan ASUS bakal memberikan sesuatu yang unik dengan menyertakan utilitas MemTest86 sebagai bagian dari UEFI BIOS mereka pada jajaran motherbard ROG Z590.
INDONESIA 02/03/2021MoreThis board promises to push over the limits the new Intel Rocket Lake-S processors
ITALY 02/12/2021More