ROG Keris II Ace

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Cena v ASUS estore 4 490,00 Kč
Cena v ASUS estore 4 490,00 Kč
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    ASUS ROG Keris II Ace patří mezi dražší herní myši na trhu. V době psaní této recenze se její cena pohybuje nad úrovní 4 000 Kč, což už představuje značnou investici. Navržena pro profesionální gaming, nabízí širokou škálu funkcí a detailů, které ocení zejména nároční hráči.

    CZECH REPUBLIC 08/19/2024
  • Ddworld

    DDworld recommended

    Celkově je ASUS ROG Keris II Ace vynikající myš. V mnoha směrech to nejlepší, co na trhu v oblasti počítačových hlodavců vůbec najdeme.

    CZECH REPUBLIC 08/08/2024

    We Recommend

    Asus ROG Keris II Ace je úžasná herní myš. Nad podobnými ve své třídě vyloženě vyčnívá. Nízká latence a ještě nižší hmotnost se spojují s úžasnou přenosovou rychlostí, díky níž si občas říkám, jestli nereaguje sama dříve, než můj mozek stačí vydat nějaký ten pokyn. Pro hráče akčních rychlých her se jedná skoro až o jednoznačnou povinnost tento model použít.

    CZECH REPUBLIC 06/03/2024
  • GeekBoy

    We Recommend

    Po téměř měsíci s novou ASUS ROG Keris II Ace můžu s jistotou napsat, že se jedná o špičkový výrobek, na který nedám dopustit. Vše, co myš umí, umí skvěle. Použitý plast je pevný a má dobrou strukturu, která se příjemně drží. Kvalita konstrukce je také na velmi vysoké úrovni a nevydá ani hlásku ani při hrubém zacházení.

    CZECH REPUBLIC 06/02/2024

    90% Excellent

    ROG Keris II Ace vyčnívá nad konkurencí použitými technologiemi, jako jsou skvělé sensory, mikrospínače s brutální výdrží, nízká latence, a také velmi nízká hmotnost.

    CZECH REPUBLIC 04/09/2024
  • PC Magazine

    Editor's Choice

    The Asus ROG Keris II Ace has the specs pro gamers need from a wireless mouse: a high DPI ceiling and an 8,000Hz polling rate with not a gram of weight more than necessary.

    UNITED STATES 04/29/2024
  • Can Buy or Not

    5 top gaming mice to buy in 2024

    With a 42,000-dpi optical sensor and a wireless polling rate of up to 4,000Hz, the Asus ROG Keris II Ace is right up there with its rivals (and also slightly cheaper at S$189). It's designed for right-handers, and is comfortable to use. Buttons are clicky and the scroll wheel is tactile. And you don't need to install any software to tweak settings like polling rate and DPI — they can be adjusted via onboard buttons.

    SINGAPORE 06/05/2024
  • Can Buy or Not

    Can Buy

    At S$189, the Asus ROG Keris II Ace is cheaper than the similar lightweight gaming mice from Logitech and Razer that cost over S$200. These mice have similar features and performance, and are great for games that don't benefit from having more buttons.

    SINGAPORE 05/20/2024

Video recenze

  • Tak za to "draze" zaplatíš: Nové herní periferky od Asusu!

  • Končím s KABELY?

  • Recenze Asus ROG Keris II ACE | Nejdražší herní bezdrátová myš od Asus. Stojí za to?

  • STAVÍME KOMP ZA 200 000! (ale neumíme to)

  • PC sestava bez KABELŮ! - Má tohle smysl?

  • The battery life of this mouse is quite good on 4,000 HZ. I can use this mouse for about 5 days of heavy usage about 9 to 10 hours a day between charges and I think that's definitely plenty for most people and that was with RGB turned on. So if you turned off the RGB on the mouse you would would actually get even better battery life than that.

  • I quite like it in this Moonlight white colorway and personally I feel that this is one of the better looking Mice from Asus.

  • Here's one of my favorite ergo mice of 2024!

  • You can configure absolutely everything on the application

  • We'll show you how to double your FPS with AMD!

  • Discover the ASUS ROG Stand at PGW with FlowUP!

  • We discover the ASUS ROG Stand at PGW with FlowUP!

  • ROG's latest competitive mouse for competitive in-game gaming to help you win at the competitive level.

  • Build PC 250 Million Full Configuration of ROG STRIX | Intel i9-14900K & RTX 4090

  • ASUS ROG is SERIOUS about making gaming mice!? | Asus ROG Keris II Ace

  • ASUS ROG is SERIOUS about making gaming mice!? | Asus ROG Keris II Ace

  • Asus ROG Keris II Mouse Review: Ergonomic Mouse Worth Owning in 2024!

  • Instructions for Choosing the Right Wireless Mouse for Every Purpose!

  • Review of the new ROG gaming gear set in clean white, perfect for minimalists

  • Review Gaming Mouse with ROG AIMPOINT PRO 42,000 DPI Polling Rate 8,000 Hz

  • Review of the ROG Keris II ACE, the best Ergo gaming mouse for this time.

  • A real ergonomic mouse for pro players, the materials and construction look very good, the wireless signal is stable, easy to carry, full of gaming features.

  • ROG Keris II Ace is the benchmark mouse!

  • The mouse is cool, cool, light and very high quality

  • Honestly, I'm very impressed with the work Asus has done lately, because just think - in just two years we've gone from asking "Why should I buy an Asus mouse when there are others" to "Which Asus mouse should I buy - Harpe Ace or Keris 2"

  • In general, Asus has reached an impossible level in terms of mouse design

  • But what can I say, it's a great mouse that has insane DPI, polling rate, and battery life.

  • ultra lightweight mouse for esport gamers

Recenze v médiích

  • Pokud bych tedy přivřel oči u ceny, jedná se o další kvalitní přírůstek, za který se Asus nemusí stydět a jsem rád, že jsem si jej mohl vyzkoušet.

    CZECH REPUBLIC 06/11/2024
  • The Asus ROG Keris II Ace has the specs pro gamers need from a wireless mouse

    PC Magazine

    UNITED STATES 04/29/2024
  • The Asus ROG Keris II Ace excels as a super lightweight yet larger gaming mouse, delivering top-notch in-game performance where it counts.

    UNITED STATES 05/08/2024
  • One additional item when compared with the Asus ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless Gaming Keyboard box contents, is the ROG Polling Rate Booster. This booster is required to increase your wireless polling rate from 1,000 Hz to 4,000 Hz.

    SINGAPORE 05/02/2024
  • The Asus ROG Keris II Ace mouse is a gaming accessory that transcends its primary function by turning itself into a real precision weapon. Its ergonomic design, cutting-edge performance, advanced customisation and modern aesthetics make it an ideal companion for any type of adventure.


    FRANCE 04/21/2024
  • ASUS introduces the ROG Keris II Ace wireless gaming mouse

    Phuc Anh

    VIETNAM 04/04/2024
  • ROG Keris II Ace in hand – high performance, light


    VIETNAM 05/05/2024
  • The ASUS ROG Falchion RX Low Profile and ROG Keris II Ace combo is indicative of a change that ROG is pursuing under precise indications from its community and its Pro players. ASUS Returns to Aesthetics essential aesthetics, but without forgetting the quest for technological advancement that allows for finally convincing low-profile mechanical keyboards and gaming mice with hallucinating precision.


    ITALY 05/03/2024
  • The ROG Keris II WL Ace excels in every field in which it is put to the test, especially in gaming, providing gamers with a real benchmark for competitive and non-competitive gaming approaches.

    ITALY 05/21/2024
  • Asus has come up with a really interesting product, with components worthy of a top mouse and surprisingly good build quality. The price is high, but considering the products offered by the competition, the marketing and positioning costs typical of brands of this size, and the collaboration with Aim Lab, it is a demand that is in keeping with the type of product.


    ITALY 06/21/2024
  • The ASUS ROG Keris II Ace offers top-of-the-line performance and features, especially as a solution for competitive gaming. It will also be a good choice for professionals who need high precision and comfort for long periods of time.

    UKRAINE 08/15/2024
  • The ROG Keris II Ace is a great choice for those looking for an ultra-lightweight gaming mouse with high performance.


    UKRAINE 11/17/2024