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HKEPC Editor's Choice 2020
it has strengthened the CPU design to supply electricity, overclocking and motherboard heat-cooling
HONG KONG 01/16/2021MorePC Gamer
4.5 stars
The best X570 ever created, and the last AM4 board you'll ever need
UNITED KINGDOM 03/12/2024MoreMacclipper
9.5 out of 10
For those who want quietness and reliability, there is good reason to opt for this model since its massive heatsinks effectively void the need for active cooling on the X570 chipset.
SINGAPORE 11/05/2020MorePC Games Hardware
Top Techology
Top Techology
GERMANY 04/28/2021Moregamezoom.net
Top notch X570 enthusiast mainboard!
GERMANY 12/22/2020Morehardwareinside.de
Highend Recommendation
Due to the numerous ports, features and performance, we give the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero a "top class" recommendation.
GERMANY 12/17/2020MoreHardwareluxx
Excellent Hardware
The ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero represents a dream motherboard for many converters, as it offers an extensive feature set, passive chipset cooling, and an exclusive overclocking feature.
GERMANY 11/30/2020MoreTechtesters.eu
Editor's Choice
It is one of the thickest, coolest, most beautiful boards on the market, and one that does not allow you to feel any negative emotions when using the bios and software...
NETHERLANDS 02/24/2021More
Video Reviews
Maherco Assembly #2: Broadcasting device 2022
New overclocking feature changes Ryzen OC COMPLETELY - 5950X 16 core OC
Finally it is fun for me to overclock Ryzen CPUs.
Doigby discovers his new 4000€ Gaming PC
Sama PC 2021 - My personal Setup !
Sama PC 2021 - My personal Setup !
Australian PC Awards 2021
Motherboard AMD X570 Kasta Tertinggi - ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR VIII DARK HERO
ROG X AMD LAGI BAGI-BAGI EXCLUSIVE MERCHANDISE 10 Pcs Bomber Jacket dan E-Money Edisi ROG with AMD Untuk 10 Orang Beruntung
#RakitPC High End Versi Akhir Tahun 2020 ft. Corsair & ROG!
Update BIOS tanpa colok CPU, RAM, dll. Jadi Gini Caranya? (Ft. ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero)
It is definitely a very special model among the RTX 3080 Ti models. A very successful graphics card has emerged with its stylish design and excellent cooling that does not exceed 60 degrees.
It was a model that won our admiration with its 3 huge cooling fans, successful design and very good cooling performance.
Excellent voltage stabilization, does not overheat, everything is done smartly.
This board is close to perfect - looks good and great favourite
Media Reviews
(7)ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero 隨著 AMD Ryzen 5000 系列處理器更新,主要在主機板外觀設計、電路板塗裝上有著改變,以及最重要的就是晶片組採用被動散熱,若在意 X570 晶片組上的風扇噪音,那這板會是 ROG Crosshair VIII 系列中少數無風扇的選擇。 規格上,Dark Hero 維持著 CPU 16 相 Team 架構供電設計、雙 PCIe 4.0 x16 與雙 M.2 PCIe 4.0 x4 插槽,以及 8 個 SATA、2.5GbE + 1GbE + Wi-Fi 6 的三網路組合,還有著多道滿出來的 USB 連接埠與 ROG 標配 SupremeFX 音效等好料。 若各位喜新厭舊(誤),想無風扇的 ROG X570 主機板,可以考慮下 ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero 顏值更高更有著既有 HERO 的所有功能,讓玩家感受到 AMD Ryzen 5000 帶來的新一代創作、遊戲效能體驗。
TAIWAN 11/05/2020More最後一個 AM4 腳位的 Ryzen 系列處理器在 11 月 5 日正式解禁,其代號 Vermeer,上市型號為 Ryzen 5000 系列,現階段 AMD 提供 16、12、8 以及 6 核心等 4 款處理器讓市場做選擇。另一方面,AM4 腳位的 Ryzen 5000 系列處理器延用目前的 X570、B550 晶片主機板,同時也有部分 B450 晶片主機板也能支援相關處理器,對於一些使用者來說,這可能是個值得開心的事情,畢竟可以省下主機板的更換費用。 當然,也有主機板廠順勢推出新的 AM4 腳位主機板,如 ASUS 以及 MSI,而我們也收到 ASUS 寄出來的 ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero 主機板搭配 Ryzen 9 5950X 這款 16 核心的處理器進行測試。
TAIWAN 11/05/2020More目前由 Crosshair VIII Dark Hero 獨佔的 Dynamic OC Switcher 功能,不只解決了全核定頻超頻容易過熱當機的問題,還能兼顧絕佳的單核效能,對於想要在 AMD 平台常態超頻用戶來說,是非常好的設計。
TAIWAN 12/07/2020More在規格上,ROG CROSSHAIR VIII DARK HERO 算是維持 ROG 旗艦主機板的設定,包括 16 相供電、兩個 M.2 SSD 插槽、兩組 PCIe 4.0 x16 插槽、2.5 GbE + 1 GbE 雙網路設計以及大量的 USB Type-A 連接埠等等,基本上應能滿足大多數玩家的需求,不過就現實面來說,跟陳拔先前的測試平台 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (WI-FI)並沒有太大差異,但若是想體驗無風扇帶來的安靜運作以及嶄新外觀設計,ROG CROSSHAIR VIII DARK HERO 會是值得考慮的選擇。
TAIWAN 02/23/2021MoreSelf-built PC from scratch
JAPAN 03/29/2021MoreReviewing the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero. An in-depth review of the one and only fanless PCH ATX size X570 motherboard
Self-made, games and hobby days
JAPAN 05/13/2021MoreIt was a model that won our admiration with its 3 huge cooling fans, successful design and very good cooling performance.
Türkiye 02/25/2021More