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Crosshair V Formula - Only 2 of 4 USB3 Ports Working..?

Level 7
Hey guys! I'm having a bit of an issue with 2 of my USB 3 ports on the motherboard.

The two lower USB 3.0 ports seem to work without a hitch. But the upper two ports don't work at all. I tried two external hard drives with USB 3.0 connectors, and even a USB flash disk that uses 2.0, but no response from the computer. Nothing shows up in DIsk Management even. The lower two ports work immediately.

I checked the BIOS (latest version), but it does not disable individual ports, and it is currently enabled for USB 3.0... What else can I try? Are they pretty much dead?

Thanks for any info!

Level 7
Have you installed the driver?

Im not sure if the board can boot from usb 3 but i think it can. So you can use some usb boot stick for example memtest and check if its shown on these ports as boot option in the boot menu (think it was f8 key while at bios post).

Or try an ubuntu live stick and check if the ports work there.. so you can be sure you have enabled them correctly in bios but its windows driver problem.