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Windows 10 Connection Problem Rog 751 Laptop to Tv

Level 7
I have asus rog 751before update I had not any problem to connect it with my tv. After update to windows 10 I cant connect it with hdmi cable
Any solution for this problem?


Level 7
Somebody to help plz?

Level 11
Download the latest drivers from nVidia. Run the install, when you see the options for 'custom install' and 'clean install' select those, otherwise stick to the defaults.

Report back your findings.

joshindaphils wrote:
Download the latest drivers from nVidia. Run the install, when you see the options for 'custom install' and 'clean install' select those, otherwise stick to the defaults.

Report back your findings.

Thanks for response but i dont understand. At the Rog g751 is preinstalled nvidia experience witch do auto update. So how can i do that you say.

Level 10
its pretty simple
go here
select your card and download
install and when installing there will be an option to clean install just like he said.
3d printed parts and accessories for the G751. You know you want something better than OEM ->[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

aeolisio wrote:
its pretty simple
go here
select your card and download
install and when installing there will be an option to clean install just like he said.

Thank you for the instruction Ι did it but the problem not resolved. Specifically i get the driver gtx 970m for windows 10 64-bit. I precisely followed your instructions.

Step 1 Checked Custom Install... not express.
Step 2 Checked Clean install (in which says that resets all settings to their original values)

During the installation blackened screen without seeing anything and after 15 minutes I ought to restart the computer to had access on it.
After i connect the cable again and saw that I could not connect the pc to tv again
So what happened Ι am not sure that the installation completed. Did I something wrong to the process or this is not the solution of problem?

aeolisio wrote:
its pretty simple
go here
select your card and download
install and when installing there will be an option to clean install just like he said.

Man can you help me plz?

Level 7
My G751 is working good on TV using HDMI under W10. I do have to select a second screen on the NVIDIA control panel. Make sure you do so.