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Dual M.2 PCI Adapter for Raid 0 - Does it works well!?

Level 7
Hello everybody!! 😄

I would like to make a raid 0 using 2 nvme m.2 ssd, like Samsung 950 Pro.
I found this dual pci adapter:

Is there someone who have this or similar system?

What do you think about the performance in Raid 0 in comparison a single Intel 750 series 400 mb pci ssd? I need more performance to edit large raws photos online with Lightroom
This raid is for storage only
Thanks a lot

Level 14
I don't think this would allow a raid array as there doesn't appear to be any controller on the card, plus it is a 4xpcie adapter and each 950 Pro needs 4 pcie lanes to operate at full speed
I could be wrong as there is not a lot of information on their site as to what it can do but it says that the drives appear in the OS as single drives, you could add the 950 Pro's on separate pcie adapter cards and make a software raid if you need that much speed, someone just posted about a week ago on these forums if you search for his post
The Intel 750 1.2 TB drive is faster that the 400 MB drive and the Intel drives have higher IOPS than the M.2 drives and may be more suited for your use but I don't perform any professional work like this and could be wrong

Level 8
That adapter is for ONE PCIe m.2 and TWO SATA m.2 devices only, so this particular device will not work for two PCIe based m.2 devices like the Samsung 950 Pro.

However it is possible to run two 950's in (software) Raid 0 on the RVE or RV10.
All you need is a m.2 PCIe adapter (for PCIe m.2 drives ;)).

If you will be able to boot from that raid however is a whole other story and heavily dependant on your OS (Linux anyone?)

Onimax wrote:
That adapter is for ONE PCIe m.2 and TWO SATA m.2 devices only, so this particular device will not work for two PCIe based m.2 devices like the Samsung 950 Pro.

However it is possible to run two 950's in (software) Raid 0 on the RVE or RV10.
All you need is a m.2 PCIe adapter (for PCIe m.2 drives ;)).

If you will be able to boot from that raid however is a whole other story and heavily dependant on your OS (Linux anyone?)

Thanks for replies!

In that case, it would be better buy another intel 750 and make a raid 0.
A raid set up via software has the same performance of a bios raid?

Sorry, but i´m a little noob


Level 8
Speedwise they should be about the same performance (this depends on the os and raid controller you want to compare to of course).
It's just a matter of who gets to manage the Raid.

In before someone starts bragging about it: "True" hardware raid controllers (not to confuse with the integrated ones that ship with your mobo/chipset) are often faster as they come/allow you to put in additional RAM for caching, but are also more expensive.

Level 8
X99 doesn't suport M.2 for RAID system
Only Z170 can realise

FuryA wrote:
X99 doesn't suport M.2 for RAID system
Only Z170 can realise

But you can always setup a software raid. 🙂