ROG Strix Go BT

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  • Vonguru

    Gold Award

    The ROG Strix BT is a very good headset at every level. From its great build quality to its comfort, it is difficult to find any negative points. [...] We will especially remember its excellente battery life, sound quality and easy functionalities that I believe make it the perfect headset for mobile or tablet while remaining convenient for both PC and consoles.

    FRANCE 06/24/2021
  • Latest in Tech


    Overall, the ASUS ROG Strix GO BT is a great product that we highly recommend.

    AUSTRALIA 09/14/2021

    MEF TECH Must Have

    If you love to game on your way to work or enjoy having an immersive experience whilst playing at home, the ASUS ROG Strix Go BT is an excellent choice for you.

    AUSTRALIA 08/09/2021
  • Lason Arena Gaming

    Lason Arena Gaming Performance Award

    Overall, The ASUS ROG Strix Go BT Headset is a solid option for on-the-go gaming. Especially with its solid battery life, the Noise Cancellation features on both audio and microphone. But the problem is that the audio quality here is not really that great especially on this competitive market that this headset is competing.. And also the build quality, I am having doubts on the longevity of the headset if it’s foldable.

    PHILIPPINES 06/17/2021

    Hynerd Score

    The ROG Strix Go BT are definitely among the most futuristic gaming headsets on the market. Recommended for both amateurs and professionals, they allow use for long hours without the need for charging and certainly without creating any discomfort while being worn. Highlights include: good audio quality, fast connection, design and light weight of the product.

    ITALY 05/13/2023


    The ROG Strix Go BT is an excellent and logical development of the series, and just something that has not yet been in it. If you need a high-quality gaming headset specifically for mobile devices, if the choice of gaming smartphones has seduced you so much that you purchased one of them and play quite often, then you definitely need it. And, of course, compatibility with consoles from all brands, as well as gaming laptops, captivates.

    UKRAINE 06/16/2021
  • PC AXE

    AXE Platinum

    ROG Strix Go BT is a gaming headset that offers a quality wireless listening experience for even more amazing gaming sessions.

    SERBIA 05/19/2021

Videós megjelenés

  • I offer a 3000€ setup to a subscriber (surprise)

  • Quality headset compatible with a wide range of devices

  • Bluetooth version will appeal to many players, especially mobile players

  • Suitable for both travel and daily use - if you do not like wires when working on a computer - this solution is just right for you.

  • ROG Strix Go BT's gaming headset offers a quality wireless listening experience for even more amazing gaming sessions.

    Média megjelenés

    • 除了音質表現不錯之外,我覺得降噪效果是更值得分享的部分,除了可以切換降噪的等級之外,也能非常徹底的消除了外部的聲音,例如我用機械式鍵盤打字時,完全聽不到清脆響亮的按鍵敲擊聲。家人再使用噪音非常大的吹風機時,也時完完全全的將這些不想聽到的聲音給消除掉!


      TAIWAN 03/25/2021
    • 這次 ROG Strix Go BT 將連接方式改用藍芽進行連接,更適合智慧型手機為首等攜帶型裝置使用,也由於不需要額外的接收器或有線連接,更是讓一款願意讓玩家帶出室外的一款耳機。


      TAIWAN 04/16/2021
    • ROG Strix Go BT 雖是目前 ROG Strix Go 系列中單價最高的成員,不過除了具備通用性高的藍牙與 3.5mm 雙模,還有實用的主動降噪功能,對於著重搭配手機使用的玩家比起其它家族成員來的便利,雖說相近價位亦可買到更適合聆聽音樂的藍牙主動降噪耳機,但 ROG Strix Go BT 則具備針對遊戲需求的調音與低延遲連接,可視為針對手遊電競玩家的需求而來。


      TAIWAN 04/16/2021
    • ROG STRIX GO BT 在先天的定位上所定的客群本身就廣,所以不管是外型設計、佩戴體驗等方面,都是走相對低調、簡潔的設計路線,一般玩家是可在配對後輕鬆上手聆聽,耳機本身在佩戴體驗和音質表現上都有不錯的水準。在遊戲上則是端看玩家喜歡玩的遊戲類型而定,快節奏遊戲還是建議搭配 3.5mm 耳機線為佳,但普通聽音樂和玩簡單手遊時都非常方便使用。


      TAIWAN 04/22/2021
    • 倘若你跟主筆我一樣是無線規格控,講求多一條線、多一份困擾,非常在意藍牙協定這種數據規格的話,那它目前頂尖的 Qualcomm aptX Adaptive 是不可能讓你失望的,而且體感延遲完全過關。再說 ROG Strix Go BT 還擁有 ANC 主動降噪,如此一來又多了一個勸敗點,雖然降噪效果跟當前主流的藍牙耳機有所區別,但也是有其效益所在,更不用說它的續航力超強,加上快速充電秒速回血,連續打上個兩天一夜完全不是問題,不過記得要開冷氣,不然滿滿飽足感的包覆程度可是會讓你耳朵有點難喘息呢!


      TAIWAN 05/27/2021
    • The most powerful gaming smartphone in the first half of 2021


      JAPAN 06/27/2021
    • ASUS Gaming Headset "ROG STRIX GO BT" Review, Sound Quality and Ease of Use Beyond Gaming & Up to 45 Hours of Use on a Full Charge


      JAPAN 07/09/2021
    • The Asus ROG Strix GO BT is an excellent headset. I particular strengths are portability, versatility, microphone quality, and battery life. The only drawback noted is the default audio quality, which requires some adjustments via Asus Armoury II software to make the most of the headset's potential. In fact, they are a bluetooth wireless gaming headset that offers an immersive and immersive experience, suitable for both home and on-the-go use.

      ITALY 04/12/2023
  • The Asus Rog Strix Go Bt headset has been designed for video games but also work music as well: the sound is rich and pure with deep bass. pure with deep bass.

    Il MEssaggero

    ITALY 09/06/2021
  • Bluetooth version will appeal to many players, especially mobile players


    Türkiye 05/14/2021
  • Super-fast charging is one of the most satisfying features of the ROG Strix Go BT.

    ESTONIA 11/10/2021