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Rp 35,999,000
- eGPU Nvidia RTX4090

XG mobile
Fast, flexible, functional
XG mobile
Fast, flexible, functional
Nikmati permainan yang cepat dan lancar dengan GPU terkini yang memotong. Konfigurasi teratas kami dilengkapi dengan GPU Laptop NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4090 baru. Bangunlah sebuah gaming setup yang sempurna dengan mouse gaming, gamepad, dan lainnya melalui empat port USB Type-A yang fleksibel. Sambungkan ke ethernet gigabit untuk koneksi dengan latensi terendah untuk permainan multipemain online yang kompetitif.
Kemampuan grafis yang tangguh dan beragam port I/O menjadikan pembuatan konten jauh lebih mudah. Antara HDMI 2.1 dan DisplayPort 1.4, ruang layar dapat diperluas hingga ke empat* monitor eksternal, semuanya dengan resolusi 4K. Buat konten terbaru mulai dari video streaming hingga seni yang layak dicetak dengan detail ultra-rich.
*Menjalankan 4 layar membutuhkan menghubungkan 2 ke XG Mobile dan 2 ke Flow X13.FLEX NEXT-GEN VERSATILITY
Meskipun berukuran hanya 7% dari eGPU tipikal, XG Mobile menawarkan kekuatan tanpa kompromi untuk tugas yang membutuhkan grafis intensif seperti gaming, pengeditan multimedia, rendering, dan lainnya. Dimensi ultra-kompaknya hanya berat 1.3kg, membuatnya mudah dibawa ke mana pun.

GeForce RTX 40 Series Laptops
Video Reviews
2023 ROG Flow X13 - Built to adapt. Ultra compact.
I installed the ASUS ROG XG MOBILE rtx 4090 on the ASUS ROG ALLY and the result has been incredible, BRUTAL power
For a desktop experience, pair Ally with an external XG Mobile GPU, dedicated monitor, mouse, and keyboard for esports and high-fidelity 4K gaming.
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- The actual version of HDMI 2.1 should be checked in the specifications page.
- HDMI 2.0 was revised to HDMI 2.1 TMDS, and HDMI 2.1 was revised to HDMI 2.1 FRL effective from May 3, 2022.
- The actual HDMI version of the products should be checked in the product specifications page respectively.
- The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
- Products certified by the Federal Communications Commission and Industry Canada will be distributed in the United States and Canada. Please visit the ASUS USA and ASUS Canada websites for information about locally available products.
- All specifications are subject to change without notice. Please check with your supplier for exact offers. Products may not be available in all markets.
- Specifications and features vary by model, and all images are illustrative. Please refer to specification pages for full details.
- PCB color and bundled software versions are subject to change without notice.
- Brand and product names mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies.
- Unless otherwise stated, all performance claims are based on theoretical performance. Actual figures may vary in real-world situations.
- The actual transfer speed of USB 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and/or Type-C will vary depending on many factors including the processing speed of the host device, file attributes and other factors related to system configuration and your operating environment.