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Best of 2023 Gold
Awesome case, lots of RGB, and a bold design.
NETHERLANDS 03/04/2024Más
Video Reseñas
Pilot your own limited edition 3XS EVA02 Powered by ASUS unit and fight against the Angels alongside Asuka Langeley.
ASUS ROG Eva-02 Evangelion Full Build
The EVA-02 Fantasy PC!
An Evangelion Gaming PC for €6800
This time around it really feels like they just went all-out.
VLOG: ROG x EVANGELION - 02 (Asuka) lineup Unboxing
VLOG: ROG Hyperion EVA-02 Edition Gaming Case Unboxing - ang POGI!
PC Gaming more than 100 million ROG x EVANGELION: Huge power from Intel Core i9 14900K and RTX 4090
This is the most beautiful case and graphics card I've ever seen.
Видеообзор от канала CyberART
Reseñas de Medios
(6)Thanks to ASUS and its collaboration with Evangelion, I have been able to realise my dreams since I was a child. Having the workstation fully customised with the Evangelion Series is fantastic for a fan of the saga like me.
ITALY 02/28/2024MásThe second ROG EVA release is here! A fantastic Neon Genesis Evangelion gaming PC for collectors
UNITED KINGDOM 02/06/2024Más"I tried Asus’ ROG Evangelion PC & it’s so cool I don’t want to use my PC again"
UNITED KINGDOM 11/20/2023MásASUS ROG X Evangelion Project EVA-02
UNITED KINGDOM 12/18/2023Más“世紀のコラボ”となった「ROG×エヴァンゲリオン第2弾」モデルが集結!EVA2号機&アスカとシンクロできるフルセットを堪能
Hermitage Akihabara
JAPAN 01/11/2024MásI received the ROG Hyperion case in collaboration with Evangelion as a gift. The performance is formidable. I received also, the ROG Gladius III Wireless AimPoint mouse and ROG Strix Scope RX keyboard that fulfil the dreams of fans of the saga.
Dario Moccia
ITALY 03/04/2024Más