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Silver Award
The AiO water cooling system performs very well, has a flexible pump that can also run quietly and good fans. The large display can convince in terms of presentation and function.
GERMANY 06/14/2022MásRed Dot
Red Dot Product Design 2021
The winner of the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2021
GERMANY 04/12/2021Más
Video Reseñas
Based on the benchmarks, it really performs well, and is on par with on of the latest AIOs, which is the DeepCool LT520.
【自作PC】Ryzen 9 7950XとRTX3090をASUSの小型PCケースにぶち込んで最強コンパクトPCを作ります!
【自作PC】小型ケースに最強CPUを乗せた超ハイスペゲーミングPCが遂に完成しました! | Ryzen 9 7950X
Setup PC 200 million with 100 million Gaming chair but customers do not play games?