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(3)Lason Arena Gaming
Lason Arena Gaming Performance Award
Even though it had disappointed me in some areas, I see the benefit of having a bigger ctrl was a good feature, especially in FPS games. I can honestly say that sometimes I mistakenly hit the windows key during my gaming sessions. Switching the F5-12 keys with media keys and other functions was a good feature as well. I tend to use more the media commands rather than the f5-12 keys on a keyboard.
Türkiye 03/10/2020MásPCCRAZY
PC Crazy Approved
Looking at all the specs and great testing results this ASUS ROG STRIX keyboard, SCOPE PBT gets the PC Crazy Approved award.
CROATIA 03/19/2020Más
Video Reseñas
Mechanical keyboard with "dont disturb" mode
Review Gaming Asus Rog Strix Scope PBT | Mega Technology
Gaming Gear Asus - Genuine ASUS Headset Keyboard Mouse Combo | MEGA Technology
I asked ASUS to send a set of gaming peripherals so that there was something to drive Cyberpunk on - and that's what they sent me.
Reseñas de Medios
(2)But that’s not to mean that there aren’t any downsides. ABS is susceptible to wear and tear over time, breakage even. But more so than not the coating starts to fade and will develop a sheen, which really makes it look old and worn even with careful usage.
Tech 360
SINGAPORE 02/05/2020MásROG Strix Scope PBT 定價 NT$2890,Strix Scope TKL Deluxe 定價 NT$3490,兩者都各自有其強項,使用者可依喜好進行挑選。但筆者最期待 ROG 能推出雙色成形 PBT 透光鍵帽的鍵盤,畢竟 PBT 材質手感和耐磨損程度都遠勝於 ABS。
TAIWAN 09/01/2020Más