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9.5 Tubi Rating
If you are looking for the fastest wireless router, the new ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 is probably your best bet. ASUS new ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 gaming router is an absolute beast when it comes to specs with pretty much the best specifications you can get in the market right now.
MALAYSIA 07/22/2022MorePokde
Pokdeward Silver
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 is everything you need to have a fast, secure and smooth gaming experience . Packed with the essentials to make your gaming experience smooth such as Triple-Level Game Acceleration, Mobile Game Mode and Gear Accelerator. Lets take a look at the router.
MALAYSIA 05/01/2022MoreI'm Momoko
4.8 overall score
In short, ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 is the best and most performing dual-band WiFi 6 gaming router from Asus yet. Wider range with superior speed. And packed with a lot of useful gaming features
MALAYSIA 03/09/2022MorePC Magazine
Editor's Choice Award
The GT-AX6000 is worth every cent as a top-of-the-line router
NXT Gadget Awards - Best Router
NXT Gadget Awards - Best Router
SINGAPORE 01/09/2023MoreGeek Culture
8.4 out of 10
The ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 is a stylish Wi-Fi 6 router packed with various features that would appeal to most gamers.
SINGAPORE 05/25/2022MoreEinfold
9.4 out of 10
ASUS ROG Rapture AX6000 Wi-Fi Router sits somewhere between a full-tilt gaming router like the Asus ROG Rapture GT-AXE11000 and basic segment options like ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX3000. The Rapture AX6000’s ‘middle of the road’ approach results in a router that’s larger than some, with four antennas and gigabit Ethernet ports (4x 1gbe and 2x 2.5gbe). You also get Wi-Fi 6, though not the newer 6E that makes use of the less-cluttered 6 GHz band. But the Rapture AX6000 does feature the RGB lighting on
SINGAPORE 04/14/2022MoreCan Buy or Not
Can Buy
Rock-solid performance and features galore.
SINGAPORE 03/14/2022More
Video Reviews
Satellite rifles from Asus
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG BALTICS
Enjoy ultra-wide coverage and fast transfer rate with 150 Mbps from 15m away. Up to 650 Mbps on the same floor from the wireless router. Double if you are using 4×4 connection devices. And enjoy lovely and attractive RGB lighting effects. Yes, this is what Asus ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 can do. The best WiFi 6 dual-band gaming router from Asus yet…
Still craving for heavenly speeds?😉 How about allowing Momoko to introduce you to the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 😍
WLAN performance on a TOP level, without question a high-end level. With 802.11ax wave2, the system is state-of-the-art. 2.5 GBit interfaces on the WAN and LAN side is a novelty and future-proof.
I build a 5000€ Gaming PC !
One of the best wifi routers that I personally tested.
Upgrading my Wi-Fi to ROG Rapture GT-AX6000
【WiFIルーター】2.5GbEポート搭載の高速ゲーミングWiFiルーター ASUS ROG RAPTURE GT-AX6000
【ラグ解消!880MゲーミングWi-Fiルーター】ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 レビュー 【ゲーム・投資にWi-Fiルーターおすすめ】
For gamers, it is crucial to optimise the connection so as not to have problems during gaming sessions. There are many tricks to improve the gaming connection, from simple to more complex ones, but in many cases there is a need for valuable support that can be provided by the ROG RAPTURE AX6000 and ROG RAPTURE GT6 routers.
For all those who want to extend the Wi-Fi signal in their home or garden, a few euro Wi-Fi extender is not enough. Huge bottlenecks will be created. Therefore, the solution is not to get a lot of extenders but to go for a Wi-Fi Mesh system such as the ASUS ROG RAPTURE AX6000 and GT6 for maximum speed even at great distances (such as in the garden).
We hosted this monster, which supports 17 devices from a single center and enables us to receive high-efficiency fiber performance.
ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 is great both in terms of design and performance. Also it performs great when it comes to eliminate the internet problems of household, business and e-sports players.
How do you cover huge areas up to the neighbours in the village? Asus' expandable routers and Aimesh's explanation.
ROG Rapture AX6000 speed unboxing
RT-Ax6000 is the best router for professional games
Building a smart games room - Part #1
Video review from the channel ASUS ROG BALTICS
Media Reviews
TAIWAN 11/24/2022Moreゲームの通信もWi-Fiルーターで安定化! SwitchやPS5、スマホでも使える、ASUS独自のゲーミング機能に注目
Internet Watch
JAPAN 09/22/2022MoreThe Asus ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 is the best Dual-band Wi-Fi 6 router to date. It's worth every penny for general users and gamers alike.
Dong Knows Tech
UNITED STATES 02/04/2022MoreThe ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 is the perfect Wi-FI 6 router for high-speed gaming.
Android Central
UNITED STATES 03/30/2022MorePurchase guide of the best ASUS routers
FRANCE 05/20/2022More第31屆台灣精品獎出爐!華碩及ROG玩家共和國18項產品憑藉精湛設計及優異品質大放異彩,於547家廠商、1,109件參選產品中突出重圍,榮登全台獲獎數最高的企業。
TAIWAN 11/24/2022More第31屆台灣精品獎出爐!華碩及ROG玩家共和國18項產品憑藉精湛設計及優異品質大放異彩,於547家廠商、1,109件參選產品中突出重圍,榮登全台獲獎數最高的企業!包含:ASUS Zenbook與Vivobook筆電、ASUS Chromebook教育平板電腦、ASUS ZenScreen可攜式螢幕,以及ROG Flow與Zephyrus電競筆電等,在智慧醫療領域備受關注的ASUS無線手持式超音波也獲殊榮,ASUS Zenfone 9智慧手機與ROG Phone 6D Ultimate電競手機亦雙雙入選!
TAIWAN 11/24/2022More第31屆台灣精品獎出爐!華碩及ROG玩家共和國18項產品憑藉精湛設計及優異品質大放異彩,於547家廠商、1,109件參選產品中突出重圍,榮登全台獲獎數最高的企業!包含:ASUS Zenbook與Vivobook筆電、ASUS Chromebook教育平板電腦、ASUS ZenScreen可攜式螢幕,以及ROG Flow與Zephyrus電競筆電等,在智慧醫療領域備受關注的ASUS無線手持式超音波也獲殊榮,ASUS Zenfone 9智慧手機與ROG Phone 6D Ultimate電競手機亦雙雙入選!
TAIWAN 11/24/2022More
ROG Rapture GT-AX6000ゲーミングルーターレビュー|ゲームにも普段使いにも最強ルーター
At €399.00, it is ultimately an expensive but very useful product for gamers. It is one of the reference routers in gaming, combining performance optimisation with ease of configuration, clear and functional software, and a range of easy-to-manage as well as powerful options.
Hardware Upgrade
We hosted this monster, which supports 17 devices from a single center and enables us to receive high-efficiency fiber performance.
ASUS router buying guide from iycloud.eu
Beyond the impressive ROG performance Rapture GT - AX6000 draws attention with its striking and unique design